
Litigating Against Police Misconduct: An Interview With ISUEPOLICE’s Luke Brett Moore

Being approached by police with a sniffer dog as you get off the train, and then being taken behind a screen and ordered to strip naked by armed officers sounds like something that would happen living under an authoritarian regime...

Prime Time for a Federal Bill of Rights: NSWCCL’s Pauline Wright on Protecting Freedoms

Around 90 national security bills have been passed at the federal level since the 2001 twin towers attacks in New York. Draconian in their reach, these laws are said to target terrorists, however they actually encroach upon the rights and...

Drop the Collaery Prosecution: An Interview With the Human Rights Law Centre’s Kieran Pender

Bernard Collaery was back before the courts on Wednesday, as attorney general Michaelia Cash had her lawyers arguing that she wants to introduce new “super-secret” evidence that’s so sensitive in nature that the ACT barrister wouldn’t be able to look...

Government Is Stalling on Rights Abuses in Detention: Senator Lidia Thorpe on OPCAT

Following the 2016 revelations involving the abuse and torture of children at Darwin’s Don Dale Youth Detention Centre, then attorney general George Brandis ratified the OPCAT in December 2017. This committed our nation to a UN-governed system to prevent rights...

Legalising Hemp Leaf Foods: An Interview With Industry Pioneer Andrew Kavasilas

These days, if you walk down the aisles of any Australian supermarket, whether it be a major outlet or a smaller local store, you’ll come across hempseed food products. And they’ll usually be found in the health food section, as...

Climate Action, Not Global Cop Out: An Interview With Workers for Climate Action’s Caitlin Doyle-Markwick

Scott Morrison just addressed the COP26 in Glasgow. And true to form, the PM blew unintelligible hot air at the crowd attending “the last chance saloon” for climate action, as he ticked the required seen-to-be-doing-something box and maintained business as...

Protesting Perrottet’s Prejudice: An Interview With CARR’s April

The coming of ultraconservative Dominic Perrottet does not bode well for the progressive and diverse community of the nation’s “premier state”. Indeed, it tends towards the reactionary 1950s vision of a lost Australia that prime minister Scott Morrison conveys. Both...

With No Bill of Rights, Kassam v Hazzard Was Bound to Fail: An Interview With Professor George Williams

NSW Supreme Court Justice Robert Beech-Jones delivered his ruling on the Kassam versus Hazzard case, which raised close to a dozen grounds contesting the validity of public health order restrictions, as well as vaccine mandates, which have recently been imposed...

“A Sign of Weakness and Desperation”: Former ADF Major Cameron Leckie on AUKUS

“AUKUS is a sign of desperation or weakness, because you can’t understand the United States, without acknowledging that it’s an empire. All empires have a lifecycle. And the US is currently in decline.” For most Australians, the prime minister’s announcement...

Left Unprotected: An Interview With People With Disability Australia’s Giancarlo de Vera

The understanding that elderly people and people living with disability were the two key demographics most at risk of contracting COVID-19, and further, that they have an increased susceptibility to greater harms on infection, has been well grasped since the...
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