A Death Sentence for Inmates: An Interview With Sisters Inside CEO Debbie Kilroy
The Berejiklian government passed a suite of emergency laws to get the state of NSW through the COVID-19 crisis on 24 March. These included provisions allowing NSW Corrective Services commissioner Peter Severin to release inmates early on parole. However, more...
The Interlinked Crises of COVID and Climate: An Interview with Health Professor Ro McFarlane
A different aspect within many Australian urban centres over the last summer was the site of locals wearing face masks on city streets due to the intense smoke pollution rolling in from the bushfires that were ravaging the eastern seaboard....
No Worker Left Behind: An Interview With the May 1 Movement’s Robert Car
The Morrison government on 30 March announced a $130 billion wage subsidy package as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that qualifying businesses will be provided with a fortnightly wage subsidy of $1,500 per employee over...
Stop COVID Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: An Interview With the ALS’s Makayla Reynolds
Right now, as COVID-19 cases continue to climb, people are being told not to leave their homes unless it’s a necessity. And authorities nationwide are enforcing these new regulations, ensuring compliance via threat of steep penalties. Yet, despite the potential...
“It’s a Crime to Report a Crime”: An Interview With Lawyer Bernard Collaery
During the Second World War, Australia deployed more than 1,400 troops to the island of Timor to curb the approaching Japanese forces in the region. And our nation’s guerrilla operations would not have been so successful without the support of...
The Impact of COVID on Sydney’s Homeless: An Interview With Lanz Priestley
The Sydney CBD was almost deserted last Saturday evening. With the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, most locals were already choosing to spend their night at home. And this was even before the stage one coronavirus prevention measures came into...
Release Immigration Detainees for COVID: An Interview With Advocate Margaret Sinclair
Photos displaying the cramped living conditions that immigration detainees are continuing to be held in at Avon Compound within the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation (MITA) detention facility are currently being shared amongst refugee advocates online. The images reveal rooms packed...
The Next Social Justice Movement: An Interview With the Animal Defenders Office’s Tara Ward
The High Court of Australia ruled in February that footage revealing greyhound trainers illegally using live rabbits as baits was inadmissible in court, as it had been obtained unlawfully. However, subsequent resulting evidence could be permitted, so those trainers will...
Release Frail and Elderly Inmates for COVID: An Interview With Greens MLC David Shoebridge
The latest figures show that there were 13,635 adult inmates being held in NSW correctional facilities last December. This is a population at an increased risk of catching COVID-19 if there’s an outbreak in one of these centres that are...
Rebellion Is Our Moral Duty: An Interview With Extinction Rebellion’s Larissa Payne
In mid-April last year, masses of climate activists shutdown major parts of London for over a week. Those involved in the nonviolent direct actions rallied under the banner of Extinction Rebellion (XR), which is a movement that was then relatively...