
Defendant Appeals Because Lawyer Refused to Make Complainant Cry

A man has attempted to have his conviction overturned because his criminal defence lawyer did not reduce the victim to tears during cross-examination. Francis Kofi Okrah was sentenced to seven years in prison after being found guilty of sexual assault...

Got a Parking Fine: Your Robot Lawyer Can Help!

Coming back to your car to find a parking ticket tucked under the windscreen is frustrating, but thanks to a 19-year-old university student from the UK, appealing parking fines may soon be a whole lot easier - and cheaper. Joshua...

Would You Rather Be Suspected of a Crime in the US or Australia?

American ‘true crime’ shows often tell stories of defendants getting-off serious criminal charges due to problems with the evidence, or legal ‘loopholes’, or last-minute ‘breakthroughs’ by cunning criminal defence lawyers. Most people are aware that these TV shows aren’t an accurate...

Life Sentences Without Parole: A Violation of Human Rights?

In his research paper from this month’s Human Rights Law Review, Andrew Dyer, a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney, argues that not having a statutory charter of rights means Australia has been left without...

Deporting Non-Citizens Who Commit Crimes

For many visitors to Australia who are accused of committing crimes, navigating our legal system is an arduous task. One of the most frequently asked questions by those on work and travel visas who are going through the courts is: how will...

The Most Commonly Cited Case in Australia

Many cases that are decided in the higher courts become ‘precedents’, forming part of Australia’s common law. Where relevant, judges and magistrates are required take these previous decisions into account when deciding later cases. But with thousands of cases going...

Do We Need a Body to Review Dodgy Convictions?

You know you’re innocent - but can’t afford to pay for an appeal, or you’ve lost your appeal after spending everything you have on lawyers. What next? Sadly, your options are limited in Australia - and you will probably have...

Obama Frees Drug Offenders: Is Clemency Ever Justified?

In what has been hailed a remarkable act of mercy, President Obama last week used his power to order the release of 46 inmates who were serving sentences for non-violent drug offences. The move came as part of Obama’s promise...

The Muldrock Error is a Winner for Some

Two convicted killers have recently had their sentences cut on appeal, using the so-called Muldrock error as grounds. Both Yusuf Aytugrul and William Matheson claimed Muldrock error, and were successful in getting time off their non-parole periods and maximum sentences....

The Boston Bomber Death Penalty: Justice?

On 15 April 2013, a terrorist act took place that would alter the images that come to mind when we hear of the Boston Marathon. Three people were killed and hundreds were injured when two pressure-cooker bombs used exploded near...
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