Bail Applications

Are the New Bail Laws here to Stay?

In May this year, a new bail act was introduced in NSW. The Bail Act 2013 signalled a radical departure from previous NSW bail laws. Under the new act, simpler than previous bail laws, the focus is on whether or...

What Can Happen When You Commit a Breach of Bail (NSW)?

If you have been charged with a criminal offence, before any trial or hearing or even any court appearance, there is the consideration by the police and the courts as to whether you should be released on bail or kept...

NSW Bail Hearings: Recent Commencement of New Rules

For decades, NSW has been governed by a complex and heavy-handed bail system under the Bail Act of 1978. NSW bail laws have been particularly harsh on juveniles and vulnerable people, but that has now changed with the commencement of...

Should Minors Charged with Serious Offences be Released on Bail?

The issue of minors committing criminal offences has been in the spotlight after the recent incident where a 16-year-old was charged with sexual assault after the alleged gang rape of a 14-year-old girl in Sydney’s west. Sexual offences perpetrated by...

The New Bail Act – Changes to Bail Legislation in NSW

Changes to the bail process in NSW, including the removal of presumptions in favour of bail, are set to become law. The legislation, known as the new Bail Act, was introduced to the state parliament in May 2013. The act...

The New Bail Act

The new Bail Act 2013 (NSW) has not taken effect in NSW as yet, but is expected to become law in early 2014. The current Bail Act 1978 (“the old Bail Act”) looks at presumptions in relation to bail, and...

Refused Bail? Legal Advice Can Help

If you are arrested on suspicion of committing a crime in NSW and you are charged, police will decide whether or not to grant you bail. Under current legislation, certain offences have a presumption in favour of bail, while others...

Will I Be Granted Bail for Fraud in NSW?

If you have been arrested for any offence in NSW, you have the right to apply for bail as soon as possible. If the police refuse to grant you bail at the police station you have been taken to on...

What Happens If I Am Refused Bail in NSW?

If you have been arrested and charged with an offence, you can apply for bail. Obtaining bail means that you will be allowed to go home and continue your normal life while you wait for your court date, subject to...

What is My Eligibility for Bail in NSW?

The video and blog post below talks about how to make a successful bail application and eligibility for bail in NSW. If you have been arrested for an offence that requires a later court appearance, you will generally be released...
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