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Obama Frees Drug Offenders: Is Clemency Ever Justified?

In what has been hailed a remarkable act of mercy, President Obama last week used his power to order the release of 46 inmates who were serving sentences for non-violent drug offences. The move came as part of Obama’s promise...

The Muldrock Error is a Winner for Some

Two convicted killers have recently had their sentences cut on appeal, using the so-called Muldrock error as grounds. Both Yusuf Aytugrul and William Matheson claimed Muldrock error, and were successful in getting time off their non-parole periods and maximum sentences....

Common Myths about ‘Section 10 Dismissals and Conditional Release Orders’

In NSW, non conviction orders are sometimes seen as a ‘second chance’ for people who are generally law-abiding citizens that ‘slip-up’ by committing relatively minor criminal offences. Getting a section 10 dismissal or conditional release order can help to avoid the potentially career-ending...

The Boston Bomber Death Penalty: Justice?

On 15 April 2013, a terrorist act took place that would alter the images that come to mind when we hear of the Boston Marathon. Three people were killed and hundreds were injured when two pressure-cooker bombs used exploded near...

Showing Cause under the New Bail Act

The Bail Act 2013 commenced in May 2014, replacing the old Bail Act 1978 which had been amended over 80 times and was widely criticised as unfair and unworkable. If you’ve been following our blogs, you’ll be aware of the...

Save Izzy! A Family’s Quest to Save Their Dog’s Life

Legal history has been made in Victoria after a family was given permission to appeal their pet pet dog’s death sentence to the High Court of Australia. The Staffordshire terrier, named Izzy, escaped from the family home and bit a...

Do I have to turn up to court if I’m pleading guilty?

Several people have recently informed our firm that they took the advice of police and filled out the back of their little yellow ‘court attendance notice’ (CAN), indicated a plea of guilty, then sent it to court only to later...

Moving Backwards with Bail – Is Making Bail Harder a Good or Bad Thing?

The long-awaited overhaul of the outdated Bail Act 1978 has encountered many bumps in the road towards reform. Since it came into effect on 20 May 2014, the new Bail Act 2013 has sparked fierce debate from all ends of...

Should Prison be a Last Resort for Children?

In yet another devastating blow to Australia’s human rights obligations, the president of the Queensland Children’s Court, Judge Michael Shanahan, has warned that the government is breaching the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by imposing lengthy...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers®: Three Things that a Criminal Defence Firm should Aim to Achieve

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® commenced operation in 2001. Since then, we have introduced a range of innovations to the criminal law profession, including: ‘Fixed Fees’ that are published on our website, A ‘Senior Lawyer Guarantee’, meaning that clients will be represented...
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