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Can I Appeal a Subpoena in NSW?

A subpoena is a legal, court-issued document requiring you to attend a court hearing, or produce certain documents relating to a trial. There are regulations around the issue of a subpoena in NSW, and if these are adhered to, in...

How to Appeal a Court Decision; Making an Application for Annulment

If you disagree with a decision that has been made by the Local Court in NSW, there is an appeals process you can undertake to have the decision reviewed, and if you are successful, dismissed. The process varies depending on...

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Jury Trial?

If you go to court in NSW, you will either be tried in a local court by a magistrate, or in the district or supreme court by a judge and jury. In some cases, you may be tried in the...

How the Innocence Project is Helping Those Wrongly Convicted of a Crime

A couple of decades ago, if someone was wrongly convicted of a crime there was little that could be done once the appeals process had been exhausted. Now, with more sophisticated forms of technology such as DNA testing to help...

How do I get a Section 10 Dismissal or Conditional Release Order?

Our video and blog post below discusses how to get a section 10 dismissal or conditional release order. If you are guilty of a criminal offence you face a number of potential penalties, including having a lifelong criminal record, and in...

What is a guilty plea discount?

When you are charged with a criminal offence, you are given the option of pleading ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’. Pleading guilty means that you accept the charges against you, and admit to the offence. If you plead not guilty, your...

A quick guide to NSW bail laws

Have you or a loved-one been asked to attend a police station or charged with a crime? If so, an application for bail may have to be made on your behalf. Not everybody understands exactly what bail is, and whether...

Choosing the Right Criminal Lawyers in Sydney for your Legal Aid Case

Most people know that the Legal Aid Commission provides free legal advice and representation to low income earners and people in prison. Many people also know that the quality of legal representation by legal aid lawyers can be affected by:...

How to Avoid a Criminal Conviction for Drug Possession or Supply

Our video and Blog post below talks about How to Avoid a Criminal Conviction for Drug Possession or Supply. I am often asked how Sydney Criminal Lawyers® helps clients avoid criminal convictions for relatively serious drug offences such as supplying a dozen...

Best Criminal Lawyers?

This video and article sets out 3 reasons to choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers® over other criminal law firms. 1. Senior Lawyer Guarantee Unlike many other criminal law firms, at Sydney Criminal Lawyers® you are guaranteed to be represented by a...
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