Traffic Law

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 15 to 21 October 2018

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: Anti-Fake News Laws: Preventing Misinformation or Silencing Dissent? Many believe laws against ‘fake news’ are more about silencing critics of the government than reducing misinformation....

Government May Remove Speed Camera ‘Warning’ Signs

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A report released on 18 October 2018 by the NSW Auditor-General, Margaret Crawford, has suggested that New South Wales remove signs that alert motorists to upcoming speed cameras, on the basis they reduce road safety. Ms Crawford says the signs...

Which Cases Are Heard in the Children’s Court?

The Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (‘the Act’) sets out many of the rules relating to criminal and traffic law proceedings involving those under the age of 18 years in New South Wales. Section 5 of the Act provides that...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 1 to 7 October 2018

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles: Should ‘Dowry Abuse’ be Criminalised? There are moves to criminalise the act of pressuring a fiancé to have her family provide gifts to support a...

Despite Fatalities, NSW Police Increase the Use of Lethal Pursuits

A NSW police highway patrol car slammed into the vehicle of Gai Vieira at an intersection in Cronulla on 5 September. At the time of the collision, the Traffic and Highway Patrol Command officer was in pursuit of another driver who...

How Do Red Light Cameras Work?

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A new red light speed camera began operating at the intersection of East Street and Moss Street in Nowra on 17 September. The intersection now joins one of 170-odd others across NSW that are fitted out with these devices. Red...

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 17 to 23 September 2018

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:  Britain May Ban Secret Facebook Groups A bill has been introduced to outlaw ‘secret’ social media groups on the basis that they are fertile ground...

Low Range Drink Drivers to Face On-The-Spot Fines & Suspensions

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Low-range drink driving is where a driver has a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05 to 0.79 millilitres per 210 litres of breath. The maximum penalty when it’s the driver’s first major traffic offence within 5 years is an ‘automatic’ licence...

Arresting Drivers for Using Cold and Flu Tablets Will Not Save Lives

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NSW roads minister Melinda Pavey has announced there will be an expansion of substances that can ‘influence’ drivers for the purpose of laws against driving under the influence (DUI). She has also announced a strategy designed to assess whether individuals...

NSW Police Criticised for Targeting ‘Absurd’ Offence

Residents in the Illawarra region, north of Wollongong, are angry about being targeted for an offence which has been described as ‘obscure’, ‘trivial’ and even ‘absurd’. The offence Regulation 213 of the Road Rules 2014 (NSW) is titled ‘making a...
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