Traffic Law

“I Hope It’s Overturned”: Former Magistrate Heilpern on Revoking of Drug Driving Mistake Defence

The drug driving regime in this state, as in the rest of the country, has always been controversial, as the testing model used, which ultimately sees people charged and lose their driver licence, doesn’t test for impairment levels, like drink...

Your Guide to New South Wales Methamphetamine (“Ice”) Laws

Crystal methamphetamine (“meth” or “ice) remains a popular recreational drug in Australia amongst a small but persistent group of users. According to the latest national statistics just under 6% of Australians have used methamphetamine in their lifetime and 1.3% have...

Your Guide to New South Wales Cocaine Laws

Cocaine use is on the rise in Australia with the latest national statistics finding 11% of Australians have used cocaine in their lifetime and 4% have used in the past 12 months. Here’s a summary of the laws, penalties and...

The Offence of Aggravated Dangerous Driving Occasioning Death in NSW

The teenager who was at the wheel when his ute collided with trees in the small New South Wales town of Buxton, South West of Sydney, has pleaded guilty to several serious driving offences. Tyrell Edwards, who is only 19,...

Laws Relating to Driving Conduct that Causes Grievous Bodily Harm in NSW

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The driver accused of being responsible for causing the deaths of 10 wedding attendees and the hospitalisation of 20 more by losing control of a bus in the Hunter Valley is facing dozens of additional charges for major traffic offences....

Does Tailgating Amount to a Traffic Offence?

Being stuck behind an unreasonably slow driver can be frustrating, especially if you are blocked in by traffic or travelling on a one-lane road. But it’s important to know that ‘tailgating’ - the act of driving too closely to the...

Can I Be Fined for Driving Too Slowly?

Ever been stuck behind a vehicle driving well below the speed limit on a one-lane road? We’ve all been there.  Of course, the best advice is not to take risks trying to overtake unsafely, and to recognise their may be...

What is the Definition of ‘Driving’ Under New South Wales Traffic Law?

The bulk of traffic offences in New South Wales use or infer the term ‘driving’, ‘drive’ or ‘drives’ into conduct regulated under traffic legislation, such as the Road Transport Act 2013 (NSW) (‘the Act’). But while the meaning of these...

Can I Check if I’ve Been Caught by a Speed Camera in New South Wales?

One of the more common internet searches relating to speeding offences is whether you can check if you’ve been caught by a speed camera. The short answer is, you can’t. There is no way of checking online if you have...

Which Driving Offences are Considered ‘Major Traffic Offences’ in New South Wales?

The Road Transport Act 2013 contains many of the most frequently prosecuted traffic offences in New South Wales, including drink driving, driving under the influence, drug driving, negligent, reckless, predatory, menacing driving, and driving in a dangerous matter. The maximum...
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