Speeding Offences

‘Safe Drivers’ Will Have One Demerit Point Deleted, Under NSW Government Scheme

A new initiative by the New South Wales Government means that unrestricted and professional driver licence holders who incur no further demerit points for a year from 17 January 2023 will ‘get back’ one point. The scheme was scheduled to...

Does Tailgating Amount to a Traffic Offence?

Being stuck behind an unreasonably slow driver can be frustrating, especially if you are blocked in by traffic or travelling on a one-lane road. But it’s important to know that ‘tailgating’ - the act of driving too closely to the...

Can I Be Fined for Driving Too Slowly?

Ever been stuck behind a vehicle driving well below the speed limit on a one-lane road? We’ve all been there.  Of course, the best advice is not to take risks trying to overtake unsafely, and to recognise their may be...

Can I Check if I’ve Been Caught by a Speed Camera in New South Wales?

One of the more common internet searches relating to speeding offences is whether you can check if you’ve been caught by a speed camera. The short answer is, you can’t. There is no way of checking online if you have...

To Which Traffic Offences Do Double-Demerit Points Apply?

Double-demerit points will be in force for four days over this long weekend as New South Wales celebrates the King’s birthday, with a public holiday on Monday 12 June, 2023.  When are double demerits in force? Double-demerits will be in...

Can I Drive in New South Wales on an Overseas Driver Licence?

Visitors from overseas can drive in New South Wales with an overseas licence, but there are special conditions if doing so, and an overseas license is only permitted for a specific period of time. The general rule across the board...

When Do Double-Demerit Points Apply in New South Wales?

In New South Wales, double demerit points apply for periods not limited to public holiday dates but also to days before and after them. In fact, the law states that double demerits automatically apply on a long weekend when a...

Road Safety Body Proposes Driving Ban on Males Under 21

A peak road safety body is calling on the New South Wales State Government to prohibit males from being issued with driver licences before they reach the age of 21 years. The proposal by The Australasian College of Road Safety...

Are Police Officers Required to Follow the Road Rules?

A Victorian police officer is facing up to ten years in prison after being charged with speeding and reckless driving offences.  47-year old Leading Senior Constable Brad Beecroft was charged after he allegedly travelled up to 230km/h to reach a...

NSW Government Backflips on Speed Camera Warning Signs

The New South Wales Government is set to re-introduce speed camera warning signs across the state from February next year - backflipping on its November 2020 decision to take the signs off the road.  The removal of warning signs was...
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