How Can Traffic Offence Lawyers in NSW Help in Court?
Being charged with a traffic offence doesn’t always lead to a court appearance, but if it does, it is important to seek legal representation from a firm of experienced traffic lawyers. No matter how serious or minor the charges, it...
The Importance of Providing a Personal Reference in Drink Driving Cases
If you have been charged with drink driving, you face a number of penalties depending on the severity of the charges, your driving recording including whether you have any previous drink driving convictions and your personal circumstances. Penalties include fines...
What is a Traffic Offenders Program?
If you have been charged with a traffic or drink driving offence, your traffic lawyer might suggest that you enrol in a traffic offenders program. A traffic offenders program is designed to educate drivers who have already gotten into trouble...
What should you do if you’re caught drink driving?
Our video and blog post below talks about what should you do if you’re caught drink driving. Drink driving is a serious traffic offence. If you are caught drink driving you can face harsh penalties, depending on the amount of...
What is a Good Behaviour Bond? NSW Penalty Explained
Our video and blog post below explains a good behaviour bond in NSW. If you have been charged with a criminal or traffic offence in NSW, a good behaviour bond is one of the potential penalties you face. As with...
Reducing Reoffending – Part of a Criminal Lawyer’s Duty
Some people might think that a criminal lawyer’s job is simply to ‘get clients off’ without addressing the issue of reoffending, or ‘recidivism’. That is not true. Part of a criminal lawyer’s job – particularly when dealing with clients who...
How to get a ‘Section 10 Dismissal or Conditional Release Order’ for Drink Driving
This video and blog post is about how to avoid a criminal conviction and licence disqualification when you are pleading guilty to drink driving. What is a ‘Section 10 Dismissal or Conditional Release Order‘? ‘Section 10 Dismissals and Conditional Release Orders’...