David Shoebridge Runs for Federal Parliament on Platform of Social Justice

Political parties are gearing up for the next federal election. While the Morrison government’s surprise May 2019 win at the ballot seems like only yesterday, rumour is the Coalition is about to announce a spring 2021 vote, hoping to ride in on a wave buoyed by its COVID-19 response.
The current term of parliament has seen a Liberal Nationals government so emboldened by its unexpected triumph in the last federal election that much of its policy responses have blatantly conveyed that it’s serving the interests of corporate entities to the detriment of the people.
And while federal Labor seems to be stirring, for the most part, over the last two years, it’s remained in the corner licking its wounds.
That’s why the news that NSW MLC David Shoebridge is running in the current Greens NSW Senate preselection to be that party’s lead upper house candidate in the coming election is encouraging for those who want to see the likes of Morrison and his ilk kept honest.

The fight for people and planet
Shoebridge entered the NSW Legislative Council in September 2010. Since then, he’s championed a series of social justice campaigns that have brought real reforms for NSW citizens, and he’s also been holding successive state governments to account.
“If the last year has taught us anything,” Shoebridge said in a post announcing his running, “it has taught us that when we come together we can rise to any challenge.”
“And we must come together because there is so much urgent work we need to do, whether it’s tackling climate change, building a fairer society, protecting nature or delivering First Nations justice. I want to do that work, with you, in the federal parliament”.
Over the last decade, Shoebridge has not only been law-making in the NSW upper house, but he’s consistently been seen out on the city streets and in regional centres speaking to locals, mobilising alongside them and making sure their voices are heard in the Macquarie Street chamber.
Only recently, the current NSW Greens justice spokesperson oversaw the establishment of an inquiry into First Nations overincarceration and custodial deaths, he’s uncovered multiple Berejiklian government pork barrelling scandals, and he’s consistently called out growing NSW police overreach.
A politician into the future
The globe is currently going through a great transitional period. Governments, like Morrison and Co, that pretend to serve the public interest whilst politicking for the benefits of wealthy elites are fast losing validity in the eyes of citizens.
Sydney Criminal Lawyers has long sought Shoebridge’s counsel on matters relating to increasing police strip searches, the highly flawed NSW drug dog program, government corruption, as well as that of the clergy, changing climate, and the way forward for First Nations justice.
We encourage those eligible to vote in the Greens NSW Senate preselection to consider voting for David, so we can see him apply his social justice credentials to the Canberra upper house chamber.