Driver Accumulates 28 Demerit Points in Road Blitz

A driver on the New South Wales Central Coast has accumulated 28 demerit points and fined $1348 after being pulled over by Police for using her phone while driving.
A mother, she had all three children in the car’s back seat, but Police noticed that while the kids were in child restraint seats, two of the their seat straps were not tightened correctly, and none of the seats were anchored appropriately.
The woman was issued with four infringements – three for the children not being restrained as prescribed, and the fourth for illegally using the mobile phone.
Under the double-demerits operation underway over the Easter and ANZAC day holiday period, she lost a total of 28 demerit points. In New South Wales, an unrestricted licence carries a maximum of 13 points in any three-year period.
Accumulating demerit points
Increased penalties for mobile phone use while driving were introduced last year in a bid to deter drivers from engaging in the dangerous activity. One in 10 fatalities on Australia’s roads involve illegal mobile phone use and the number of people caught using their phones while driving has risen 18 percent since 2014-15.
The new penalties for illegally using your phone while driving are five demerit points and a $337 fine.
In New South Wales if you are a fully licensed driver and go over your demerit point limit, you will have your licence suspended, unless you elect to take the case to court and are successful.
Double demerits are still in force
Double demerits will be in force until April 26, but during the New South Wales Easter long weekend road safety operation 6000 people were detected travelling above the speed limit.
Police are also warning drivers to take it easy over ANZAC day and remember that if you’re drinking, alcohol can stay in your system, and be detected the next day.
Road Toll Easter 2019
Two people died on New South Wales roads over Easter. And while NSW Police report that the number of people drink driving and speeding are in decline, they say fatigue and mobile phone use are on the rise.
Going to court for a traffic offence?
If you are going to court for a traffic offence, call or email Sydney Criminal Lawyers anytime to arrange a free first consultation with an experienced, specialist traffic lawyer who will accurately advise you of your options, the best way forward, and fight for the optimal outcome in your specific situation.