“I Can Be a Bit of a Bulldozer”: Morrison Concedes Election Loss a Week Before Polling

“Australians know that I can be a bit of a bulldozer when it comes to issues, and I suspect you guys know that too,” Morrison told reporters on 13 May. “But, you know, over the last two years, that’s been pretty important.”
“I know there are things that are going to have to change with the way I do things,” continued the prime minister, in reflecting over his actions as leader of this country. “Because we’re moving into a different time. We are moving into a time of opportunity.”
In saying this, Morrison has basically conceded defeat in next week’s federal election, as his sentiments convey that the nation is moving into a fruitful period – a time of change – and the skillset he’s displayed over the last term isn’t the right match for what’s to come.
The term “bulldozer” sees the PM admitting he’s dismissed the voice and the general want of the people over his time. And it also conveys a machine forging ahead with one purpose – the party line – and if an opposing view gets in the way, it simply drives straight through it.
Indeed, the leader of the nation has confessed to the constituency that he’d need a complete overhaul in order to properly govern the nation moving forward, and he admits his performance over the last 36 months has clearly proven this.
Driving without a licence
Then there’s his claim that “we are moving into a time of opportunity”, which hardly rings true coming from a prime minister who’s been head of the nation during a time of mounting crises, which the science starkly reveals is only going to get worse.
And the Liberal leader has shown repeatedly that when he’s hit with one of these crisis situations, he runs and hides, while if he’s asked about any inconvenient truths regarding them or his related governance, he simply rolls out a falsehood that can be verified immediately as such online.
The 2019/20 bushfire season of mega proportions saw the PM take off for a family holiday in Hawaii while trying to hide the fact. And a few months later, when thousands of women turned up at parliament asking to be addressed, he hid inside and said they were lucky they weren’t being shot.
The devout man of God could empathise with the pain of Melbourne freedom fighters last year when they were threatening the lives of at least four politicians, but when it came to the rape of a young Liberal staffer, he had to consult his wife on how he should feel about such matters.
It’s time
Anthony Albanese summed it up well when he responded to Morrison’s admission that he’d been leading the nation in a destructive manner, when he stated the current PM is basically now saying “if you vote for me, then I’ll change”.
“Scott Morrison today has said he’s a bulldozer, that is, a bulldozer wrecks things,” said future prime minister Albanese. “I’m a builder. And if I’m elected prime minister, I will build things in this country.”
Image “Llegada de Scott Morrison, primer ministro de Australia” by G20 Argentina is licensed under CC BY 2.0.