Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 1 to 7 January 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
Local Laws Criminalise Citizens Partaking on Either Side of the Israeli Carnage in Gaza
Hizballah claims that one of two Australians killed in an air strike in southern Lebanon was a member of its organisation.
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What Happens if I Commit a Traffic Offence in Another Australian State or Territory?
The rules when it comes to committing a traffic offence in another state or territory.
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Criminal Offences Relating to Terrorist Organisations, Declared Areas and Foreign Fighting
The killing of two Australians in southern Lebanon has prompted the Attorney-General to warn against travelling to areas of conflict.
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South African World Court Challenge Could Bring Gaza Genocide to an End
South Africa has lodged a claim with the International Court of Justice against the Israeli genocide.
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Importing Any Disposable Vape Into Australia Is Now Banned
Experts warn the new ban on importing single-use vapes whether they contain nicotine or not will fail to have its intended effect.
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South Australian Criminal Offences Relating to the Death of a Cycling World Champion
The death of cycling star Melissa Hopkins has shaken the nation and triggered debate about potential criminal liability.
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The New Offences and Penalties that Apply to Possessing a Knife in a Public Place in NSW
New offences have been enacted with increased penalties for possessing a knife in a public place.
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Traffic Offences Relating to Not Wearing a Seatbelt in New South Wales
The government says cameras will soon be able to detect whether drivers and passengers are wearing seatbelts, and fines will be issued accordingly.
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Wiradjuri Mother Granted Permission to Appeal Order Placing Kids in Overseas Care
An appeal court grant the mother leave to appeal a decision allowing a British couple to retain responsibility for her children abroad.
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How to Write a Letter of Apology to the Court
An apology letter can help lead to a more lenient outcome by demonstrating genuine remorse and the unlikelihood of reoffending.
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UN Anti-Torture Body Condemns Australia, After Local Authorities Ran It Out of Town
The UN has released a damning report over systemic human rights in Australian places of detention.
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Howard’s Greenlighting of Iraq Looms Ominously, So It’s Hardly Surprising Files Are Missing
The release of cabinet papers regarding our involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq raises concerns we’re being drawn into war once again.
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Can My Employer Spy on Me at Work?
An employee was dismissed after key stroke tracking uncovered the reason she was missing deadlines and frequently uncontactable while meant to be working from home.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong, Newcastle or Sutherland.