Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 1 to 7 July 2024

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Australia Is Obliged to Investigate Citizens Fighting for Israel, Says the ACIJ’s Rawan Arraf

Our government has done nothing to warn let alone take steps to prosecute the thousand or so Australians who have joined the Israeli army to perpetrate genocide.

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NSW Police Must Speedily Bring Bail-Refused Arrestees Before the Local Court

Police officers are legally requiredto bring those they arrest and refuse to release before a local court as soon as practicable.

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NSW Police Under Investigation Over Delayed Response to Domestic Violence Report

Police are under fire for their delay in responding to a mother who ultimately died of head injuries at the hands of her partner.

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Ban on Retail Sales of Nicotine-Free Vapes Makes No Sense At All

The ban on retail sales of nicotine-free vapes is inconsistent with the government’s stated objective of reducing tobacco consumption.

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Drop the Criminal Charges Against Richard Boyle: His Actions Embodied Public Interest

The court found that the ATO whistleblower’s actions were in the public interest, yet he continues to face 24 criminal charges for his efforts.

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Judge’s Complaint Against DPP Highlights the Injustice of Prosecuting Meritless Sexual Assault Claims

A District Court Judge made a formal complaint against the Director of Public Prosecutions over assertions the latter engaged in unethical conduct during a sexual assault trial.

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The Ongoing Crackdown on the Naarm Palestine Rally Is Targeting the Right to Protest

The Victorian government is using criticism of the Free Palestine movement to justify the suppression of political dissent.

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Blockade Australia Has Shut Down Newcastle Coal Line for 10 Days Straight: Interview With Grace

The network of climate defenders that was targeted by police is adamant it will not be silenced.

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NSW District Court Judge and Director of Public Prosecution at Loggerheads

The judge made a formal complaint against the state’s chief prosecutor over events that occurred during a sexual assault trial.

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White Supremacist Stabs Man in Sydney, But Terrorism Police Stumped as to His Ideology

Australian police can’t seem to figure out how non-Muslims could be considered terrorists, despite two ideologically motivated stabbings by white males in a week.

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“War Crimes Enabled Here”: Activists Call Out Albanese Subservience on Taking Parliament House

The banner dropped from Parliament House seeks to emphasise that our subservient government is complicit in ongoing war crimes.

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Facing 35 Years Imprisonment for Disrupting Burrup Hub: Interview With DBH’s Joana Partyka

The activist is facing a lengthy prison sentence for acts which drew attention to environmental destruction and called out the CEO ultimately responsible.

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