Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 11 to 17 May 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Contractor Fined $100,000 Over Fatal Gas Mix-Up

A newborn was killed and a child left with permanent brain damage, prompting the judge to remark, “[i]n 43 years as a barrister and then a Judge I cannot think of a more tragic case.”

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Animal Agribusiness Practices Could Cause a Homegrown Pandemic

“Previous pandemics, including swine flu and bird flu, have emerged from animal agribusiness.”

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Move On Orders in New South Wales: Quotas, Bias and Intoxication

Police move on orders are disproportionately directed towards vulnerable members of the community.

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The COVID-19 Restrictions Are Easing, But Draconian Laws Still Stand

Some of the restrictions being lifted this Friday conflict with the rules police are empowered to enforce.

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COVID-19 and the NSW District Court: There’s Light at the End of the Tunnel

District Court Jury Trials are scheduled to recommence on 15 June 2020.

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New Mobile Phone Cameras Rake In $7 Million In One Month

Safety measure or just revenue raising?

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Illegally Strip Searching Teens Does Not Amount to “Serious Misconduct”, LECC Finds

The police watchdog found that the illegal strip searching of teenagers did not amount to “serious misconduct”, because the officers involved were inadequately trained.

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NSW Police Chief to Get 15% Pay Rise, While Many Are in Dire Straits

Gladys Berejiklian has defended the decision to give Police Commissioner Mick Fuller an $87,000 pay rise.

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‘Lawyer X’ Royal Commission: More Than 1200 Cases to be Reviewed

The misconduct of Niccola Gobbo and Victoria Police is likely to result in a large number of appeals and acquittals.

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Sydney Man Sent to Prison for Child Sexual Offences

“The offender came to enjoy the systematic and sadistic use of the internet to seek out, deceive, sexually abuse, and in some cases, enslave his victims”.

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Digital Climate Disruption: An Interview With Extinction Rebellion’s AJ Tennant

Protesters are intensifying their online efforts during COVID-19 to stand up for what they believe in.

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Australian ‘Church’ Fined for Selling Bleach as a Coronavirus Cure

The Church has been fined more than $150,000 for claiming its poisonous ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’ is effective against HIV, cancer and COVID-19.

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Post-COVID Restart Tough for Sex Workers: An Interview With SWOP’s Cameron Cox

Sex workers have been left in a state of uncertainty due to the current situation.

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India Cracks Down Further on Kashmir Under the Cover of COVID-19

“Now the term COVID jihad is being used. Authorities and the media… are arguing that Muslims have come in from other countries to deliberately spread COVID-19.”

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Dutton’s ASIO Bill Further Erodes Legal Protections

“The proposals in this legislation… are extremely disturbing, and represent a major shift towards authoritarianism in Australia”.

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Occupying the Mantra Rooftop for Refugees: An Interview With WACA’s Sam Castro

“They’re being treated like criminals… [I]nstead of them being protected and being given healthcare, we have militarised our responses and placed armed guards at the doors… It’s been absolutely disgraceful to see.”

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