Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 11 to 17 November 2019

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Sniffer Dogs are Ineffective in Detecting the Presence of Drugs

Drug dogs may give a positive indication where a person has merely touched affected currency or shaken the hand of a drug user.

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Police and Security Guards are ‘Thugs’

A Sydney actor was unrepentant outside court saying “It’s a disgrace that you can’t even go out in the city… without… being harassed by this gang that’s dressed in blue and these bouncers that are just super thugs.”

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The Offence of Consorting in New South Wales

The ACT will introduce laws which target motorcycle club members, but won’t follow our state by enacting ineffective laws against consorting.

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What is a Marketable and Commercial Quantity of Drugs for Commonwealth Offences?

The penalties that apply to offences such as drug importation and drug trafficking will depend on the type and quantity of the relevant drug.

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Indigenous Teen Shot Dead by Police

The family of a teen shot dead by police over the weekend are desperate for answers.

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No Conviction for Cannabis Oil Manufacture and Supply: An Interview With Cannabis Healer Jenny Hallam

Courts are starting to realise that people who provide cannabis oil free-of-charge to help sick people are not ‘criminals’.

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22-Year Old Woman Strip Searched In Front of Shop Window

“The worst part was it was two male police officers and they could just do it anywhere.”

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“Strip Searches Are Effectively a Form of State-Sanctioned Sexual Assault”.

“[T]he bulk of NSW police who are forcing people to undergo strip searches don’t understand the law, and are regularly breaching it”.

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Pill Testing: Premier and Police Commissioner Have Their Heads in the Sand

The NSW premier and police commissioner have rejected reasoned recommendations by the state coroner to introduce pill testing.

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“No Longer a Victim, But a Survivor”: An Interview With Voices for Change’s Catalina Valencia

Catalina Valencia explains how she was subjected to years of violence and abuse.

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Suspicious Circumstances: Tane Chatfield’s Alleged Suicide Doesn’t Add Up

Corrective Services declared his death a suicide, but the 22-year old “was all busted up” with “skin under his nails… bruises all over his face, a busted lip, and a practically broken nose and jaw.”

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Bringing Back Mardi Gras’ Radical Roots: An Interview With Pride in Protest’s Charlie Murphy

Pride in Pride candidates are running for the Mardi Gras board of directors, with a view to re-radicalising the iconic event.

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Military Whistleblower Not Allowed to Choose His Own Lawyer: An Interview With David McBride

The military lawyer prosecuted for exposing war crimes by Australian soldiers may have to represent himself, as there are very few lawyers with the required ‘top security clearance’.

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Police Officer Appeals Conviction, In an Effort to Keep His Job

The officer who received a suspended sentence after illegally accessing a police database and leaking the new address of a domestic violence victim to his ‘mate – the woman’s abusive ex partner – has appealed his conviction.

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