Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 12 to 18 November 2018

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
Police Officer Who Endangered Victim Refuses to Testify
An officer who leaked a domestic violence victim’s address to his ‘mate’ – the woman’s abusive ex-partner – has refused to answer questions before a tribunal.
He has not been suspended and remains on the force.
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Defendant’s Appeal is Successful as the Jury’s Verdict Was Unreasonable
The appeals court found that the jury had no reasonable grounds to convict the defendant.
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RIP Privacy: Mass Surveillance to be Ramped Up in NSW
In what has been called “a deeply troubling Big Brother development”, the NSW government is set to pass legislation enabling “authorities to live track people on CCTV”.
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Bumper Summer for Music Festivals, but Still No Pill-Testing in NSW
There are concerns Premier Berejiklian’s policy of intensifying police operations and refusing to adopt harm reduction measures such as pill testing will lead to the loss of more young lives.
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Cover Your Cam! Hackers are Demanding Money for Intimate Images
Cyber criminals are using software to activate webcams, record intimate footage and demand money to destroy it.
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Strawberry Contamination Suspect Refused Bail
The woman accused of triggering the strawberry contamination crisis remains behind bars.
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My Health Record: A Further Erosion of Civil Liberties
The deadline to ‘opt out’ of the government’s My Health Record scheme has been extended until 31 January 2019.
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The Link between Climate and Crime
Several studies have found that when it gets hot, we get hot under the collar.
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Bali 9 Drug Smuggler Due for Release
Renae Lawrence is scheduled to be released later this month after spending more than 12 years behind bars for smuggling heroin.
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Prohibition Causes the Harm: An Interview With Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform
Prohibition results in the unregulated supply of drugs with varying purities that can contain deadly fillers, while making organised criminal groups wealthy.
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Man Stabbed While Allegedly Saving 7-Year Old Girl from Sexual Assault
It has been reported that a 46-year old was stabbed while confronting a man who was allegedly attempting to sexually assault a 7-year old girl in a toilet block.
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Sydney Police Officer Pleads Guilty to “Vile, Cowardly and Intolerable” Threats
The police officer’s criminal defence lawyer told the court his client was “appalled by his [own] conduct”.
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Restoring Tibet’s Independence: An Interview With TYC’s Tsewang Dolma
Despite China occupying Tibet since the 1950s, the fight to restore nationhood continues.
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NSW Police Association Demands Thousands More Officers
The Association is warning that crime will increase if more officers aren’t employed.
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Parking Rules to be Relaxed in NSW
Motorists who overstay parking by less than 10 minutes will soon be able to have their fines waived in certain situations.
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Test Pills & Save Lives: An Interview With Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale
“No one can argue that the war on drugs has been successful. It is costing lives and millions of taxpayer dollars, yet only heightening risks for people who use drugs.”
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Break the Silence: Acknowledge the Frontier Wars
The government has allocated half a billion dollars to upgrade the Australian War Memorial, but refuses to acknowledge the frontier wars that raged from 1788 until the 1930s.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.