Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 13 to 19 December 2021

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
NSW Police Officer Found Guilty of Perjury
A police officer who lied in court to support false sexual assault claims by his partner has been found guilty of perjury.
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UK Offers US Assange on a Platter, as PM Washes His Hands Sealing the Australian’s Fate
Our government continues to look on as the UK prepares to extradite the award-winning Australian journalist to the US to face life behind bars for exposing the truth.
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The Law, Defences and Penalties for Shoplifting in New South Wales
Operation Lightfingers led to the arrest of 84 alleged shoplifters in the Sydney CBD and Eastern suburbs.
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Grassroots Opposition to the AUKUS Pact and War on China Is Mounting
“We hope to see the biggest coalition of trade unions come together to oppose this drive to war”.
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Is it Legal for Businesses to Refuse Entry Based on Vaccination Status?
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Yet Another Supreme Court Challenge Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Has Failed
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Sydney Christian School Faces Fresh Allegations of Child Sexual Assault
The former Headmaster of Trinity Grammar School is accused of sexually assaulting an 11-year old boy in a change room.
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The Offence of Supplying a Commercial Quantity of Prohibited Drugs in New South Wales
A 26-year old Bondi socialite has been sentenced to three years and ten months in prison after pleading guilty to supplying a commercial quantity of cocaine.
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Voluntary Assisted Dying Likely to Pass in NSW, Says Dying With Dignity’s Shayne Higson
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The Latest COVID-19 Rules in New South Wales
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COVID-19 Restrictions Cause Unprecedented Court Delays
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Doctors Warn Assange’s Health Can’t Take Anymore AUKUS-Sanctioned Torture
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NSW Venues Divided Over Whether to Allow Access to Unvaccinated Persons
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How the Overturning of the US Right to Abortion Could Bode for Australia
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Morrison Legislates to Enhance the Mass Deportation of Residents
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Rights Infringements Are Likely to Worsen in an Era of Mounting Crises
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.