Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 17 to 23 August 2020

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
Police Shoot Through Car Window of Man Who Allegedly Ignored Curfew
According to police, the man was at a service station after curfew hours and drove towards officers after ignoring directions to turn off his vehicle.
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Parramatta Local Court Reports Positive COVID-19 Case
It has been reported that a contractor who last worked in Parramatta Local Court on 12 August 2020 has tested positive for coronavirus.
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NSW Greens Push for Laws to Prevent Discrimination Against Sex Workers
“No one should face discrimination inside or outside of the workplace, no matter their chosen profession”.
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Beware of COVID-19 Scams
Scamwatch has reported a significant increae in individuals impersonating government agencies to steal personal information.
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Drug Importation in Australia
Three men have been charged with importing hundreds of kilograms of cocaine into Australia.
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Defending Black Lives Matter: An Interview With Barrister Felicity Graham
“[S]ometimes a case demands exposing abuse of power by executive officers.”
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Lawyers Condemn UK Over Assange Extradition, as US Submits New Indictment
“[O]ne of the most dangerous features of… [the Assange] case is the idea that the US can seek to extradite any person, anywhere in the world, if they upset US interests”.
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The War Between Google and the ACCC: What Does it Mean for Users?
Google claims that forcing it to share ad revenue with news outlets could lead to a user pays system.
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The Rule in De Simoni: A Court Cannot Sentence on Facts that Indicate a More Serious Offence
A judge or magistrate cannot sentence a defendant upon facts that indicate a more serious offence than that for which they are before the court.
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COVID Vaccine Will Be ‘As Mandatory As Possible’
No jab, no freedom. Thoughts?
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“This Is Indefinite Detention”: Councillor Jonathan Sri on the Kangaroo Point Standoff
The movement to free refugees who’ve been detained for years has only become stronger during the current pandemic.
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Enhanced COVID Policing Is Fast Becoming the New Norm
Police are out in force across the nation asserting the power given to them during the current pandemic.
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How To Use Legal Principles To Protect Your Client and Get a Better Result – A Simple Guide to ‘Parker Warnings,’ ‘Double Counting’ and ‘De Simoni’
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Sexual Harassment Can Amount to Common Assault
A 41-year old man has pleaded guilty to common assault after slapping a 22-year old bar tender on the bottom.
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Latham Targets Trans Children for Political Gain, Regardless of the Harm
Mark Latham has launched yet another attack on transgender and gender diverse children.
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ACT Will Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility
Our nation’s capital will become the first jurisdiction to raise the age from which a child can be prosecuted for a criminal offence.
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Call Minister Tudge to Save Refugees’ Phones: An Interview With Mostafa Azimitabar
Refugee advocates will be making clear to the acting immigration minister that his proposal to allow the confiscation of detainees’ phones is unacceptable.
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Abducting Your Own Child Can Amount to a Crime in Australia
An 84-year old man has been sentenced for his role in enabling disgruntled parents to have their children abducted in breach of Family Court orders.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.