Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 22 to 28 April 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
The Gadigal-Sydney Pro-Palestinian Mass Protest: Six-Months of Nonviolent Social Cohesion
“We the people will not stand for genocide. We the people stand with our brothers and sisters in Gaza and all of Palestine”.
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The Law, Defences and Penalties for the Public Order Offence of Riot in NSW
Three people have been charged with the criminal offence of riot over the aftermath of the stabbing of a Bishop in Wakeley.
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Immediate Mass Mobilisation Required: A15 Action Naarm Activists on the Initial Escalation
The protests are aimed at drawing attention to the ongoing genocide on Palestinians lands and pressuring western nations to stop enabling and take action.
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Former NSW DPP Nicholas Cowdery Calls on NSW Government to Reform Drug Laws
“We should all be accustomed by now to government promises… being broken or modified and this seems to be just another example”.
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The Criminal Offence of Engaging in a Terrorist Act in Australia
The 16-year old mentally ill youth who stabbed a Bishop at a Church has been charged with committing an act of terrorism.
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Talking Peace on ANZAC Day: An Interview with Raising Peace’s James Cox
“It is remarkable and distressing that Australians are being told that the lesson of ANZAC Day, built on a calamitous campaign at Gallipoli, is… that war is noble”.
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‘Forging Justice When Our Leaders Fail Us’: Helen O’Sullivan Sets Sail on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Volunteers will board a flotilla headed for Gaza carrying 5,500 tonnes of aid tomorrow, despite the very real risks.
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Thought Crime Becomes a Reality in Latest NSW Police ‘Terrorism’ Operation
Police deployed 400 officers across Sydney’s west, boasting the arrest of five teens over tenuous suspicions they could possibly contemplate terrorism in the future.
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Proselytising from the NSW Lower House, and the Rise of Faith in State Politics
The NSW Premier used the recent Church stabbing to spruik faith-based politics.
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Government Uses Stabbings and Terrorism Raids to Justify Crackdown on Free Speech
Authorities are using recent events to justify their relaunching of a crackdown on internet freedoms.
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