Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 23 to 29 March 2020

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
Should Australia ‘Shut Down’ for 30 Days?
While our PM has announced crisis support for those in dire financial situations, New Zealand will be ‘shutting down’ for a month in an attempt to reduce the spread of the virus.
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Prison Inmates to Be Released Early to Limit Spread of Coronavirus
The NSW government has announced measures to enable the early release of inmates in order to limit the spread of the virus in the prison system.
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Hawaii Five-0 Morrison Has Left the Building: Kids and Teachers Good Luck
The prime minister has shut down parliament for four months as a coronavirus precaution, but schools are being kept open to all.
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From the Supreme Court Vault: 1889’s Sordid Case of a Marriage Promise Breached
Here’s a break from the current situation and a look into the laws of the past.
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Prison Inmates Will Be Released Early Amidst Coronavirus Fears
New laws are being passed which empower the Corrections Minister to release inmates before the expiry of their non-parole periods.
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Release Immigration Detainees for COVID: An Interview With Advocate Margaret Sinclair
Immigration detention centres are ‘petri dishes’ for the coronavirus, endangering detainees as well as the outside community.
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Crossing State Borders: A Rundown of the Rules
Here’s a summary of the current rules regarding crossing state and territory borders.
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The Police State Is Here, Thanks to Coronavirus
The draconian new police powers are likely to remain in place after the situation has subsided.
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Ten Good News Stories About Coronavirus
It’s not all doom and gloom.
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The NSW Government’s New (In)justice Laws: More Power to Police and Prosecutors
The new laws give enormous advantages to prosecutors, significantly expand police powers and allow for the early release of inmates.
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The Impact of COVID on Sydney’s Homeless: An Interview With Lanz Priestley
Safety precautions available to the general community are not an option for those who are sleeping rough.
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The Offence of Intimidation in New South Wales
A man is facing charges of intimidation for allegedly coughing on a police officer and pretending to have Coronavirus.
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The New Police Powers to Deal With COVID-19
Police have used their powers to fine a massage parlour and its employees, as well as a 65-year old woman who did not self-isolate.
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Coronavirus: No Social Security for Kiwis
The NZ Prime Minister has pleaded with Australia to provide unemployment benefits to Kiwis who are living here.
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Do I Need To Attend My Local Court Case During The Coronavirus Pandemic?
Answers to many frequently asked questions about whether you have to attend the Local Court during these uncertain times.
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The Coronavirus: A Civil Liberties Nightmare of Orwellian Proportions
There are concerns that authoritarian rule signified by all-pervasive surveillance, tracking, wholesale lockdowns and unchecked abuses of power will become the norm beyond the coronavirus pandemic.
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Should Politicians Take Pay Cuts?
With parliament shut down as a Coronavirus precaution and so many Australians suffering, there are calls for politicians to make sacrifices as well.
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What is the Defence of Necessity?
A woman who was pulled over for allegedly travelling at 120km/h in a 50km/h zone told police she was rushing to be tested for coronavirus.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.