Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 23 to 29 September 2019

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
Poisoning Offences in New South Wales
A mother has been sentenced to at least 3 years in prison after endangering her baby’s life by poisoning him because she “wanted a break”.
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Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System
The law contains provisions to divert those with mental health conditions away from the criminal justice system and towards treatment.
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Changes to the 40KM/H “Slow Down, Move Over” Road Rule
Important changes are being made to the law requiring vehicles to slow down to 40 km/h as they pass stationary police cars, ambulances and other emergency vehicles.
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Should Aussies Avoid Bali?
Proposed new laws would criminalise extra-marital sex and cohabitation, potentially preventing couples from booking rooms together, as well as prohibiting insulting the president, religion and institutions.
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The Colonisation of First Nations Land Is Far From Over
Many say “It wasn’t me. That happened 200 years ago”. But policies consistent with colonisation, such as the ‘Intervention’, continue to the present day.
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Watchdog to Investigate Strip Search of Teen
The NSW Law Enforcement Conduct Commission is set to investigate the potentially unlawful strip search of a 16-year old girl.
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Roadside Drug Testing Devices Are Unreliable, Study Reveals
A study has found that roadside drug testing devices are prone to returning false readings.
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Should Industrial Manslaughter be a Crime Throughout Australia?
In some parts of Australia, employers can face up to 20 years in prison if an act or omission in the workplace results in death, even if they are not directly responsible for it.
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ACT to Legalise Cannabis Possession
The possession of up to 50 grams of cannabis will soon be legal in the nation’s capital.
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Representing the Community: An Interview With Former Senior Crown Prosecutor Mark Tedeschi AM QC
“[O]rdinary people can sometimes do extraordinary things in extraordinary situations”.
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Canberra Has Legalised the Possession of Cannabis
Many are hoping other parts of Australia will follow our capital’s lead.
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NSW Police Officer Sent to Prison For Blackmailing Women Into Sex
The officer has been sentenced to a full term of 20 years in prison for 44 offences, including 11 counts of sexual assault.
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Facebook Group Encourages Dads to ‘Abduct Their Kids’
Domestic Violence Against Dads is encouraging its 19,000 members to “grab their kids and run to another state, then report the mother for sexual abuse.”
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The Penalties for Possessing Cocaine in NSW
Cocaine use has experienced a resurgence in recent times.
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Catholic Church Forced to Pay Victim of Child Sexual Abuse
The church is no longer protected by the ‘Ellis defence’, which previously prevented it from being sued for the actions of its priests.
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Facilitating Culturally Diverse Access to Justice: An Interview With the JCCD’s Carla Wilshire
The Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity was established in 2013 to help ethnic minorities access the justice system.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.