Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 29 April to 5 May 2024

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
The NSW Police Powers Unlocked by the Commissioner’s Terrorism Designation
The labelling of a mentally ill 16-year old as a terrorist has enabled police to ignore fundamental legal protections
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Amnesty Warns the International Order Is on the Brink of Collapse Over Gaza
“Israel’s flagrant disregard for international law is compounded by the failures of its allies to stop the indescribable civilian bloodshed”.
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Australian Governments Promise to Crackdown on Domestic Violence Offences
The Prime Minister has pledged $2.3 billion while the New South Wales Premier has proposed an increase in monitoring devices.
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A Tale of Two Failed Approaches to Violence: That Toward Women and Terrorism
Muslim teens are being locked up without the most basic rights for thought crimes, while domestic violence is left to fester.
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Harm Reduction Coalition Aotearoa’s Dr Julian Buchanan on Legalising All Illicit Drugs
The drug war “has failed dismally to reduce the supply or the demand for prohibited drugs, and has made the[ir] use… considerably riskier and spawned additional harms.”
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Is the NSW Police Force Actively Impeding Drug Law Reform?
The laws enabling the war on drugs have given extraordinary surveillance and enforcement powers to police officers in our state, which they are loathe to relinquish.
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Manufacturing Terrorists: Fabricating Domestic Threats to Justify Foreign Policy
The fact law enforcement agencies have repeatedly fabricated terrorism threats has raised questions about the validity of recent arrests.
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Police Are Quick to Label Muslim Teens as Terrorists, But the Same Doesn’t Apply to Others
An Israeli man who left a homemade bomb on a Sydney man’s car demanding under threat he remove a Palestinian flag is not considered by police to be a terrorist.
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Demonising Sydney’s Muslim Communities, Yet Again, Is All About the Gaza Optics
Hundreds of police were sent to round up Muslim teens in Western Sydney over possible thought crimes, conveniently diverting attention from the genocide in Gaza.
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