Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 30 March to 5 April 2020

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
Am I Guilty of a Crime if I Attempted and Failed?
The Crimes Act contains a ‘catch-all’ provision relating to attempts to commit criminal offences.
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How Is Coronavirus Relevant to a Bail Application?
Factors such as court delays, the special vulnerability of prison inmates and reduced risks of flight due to travel bans are especially relevant to bail applications right now.
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If Nonviolent Inmates Aren’t Released for COVID, the Nation Will Pay
“The global effort to tackle the spread of disease may fail without proper attention to infection control measures within prisons”.
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NSW Police State: Commissioner Fuller in Control of COVID Response
The NSW Premier has closed down parliament and passed laws which put police in control of the population.
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April Fool’s… Notorious Pranks From the Past
Laughter can be the best medicine in testing times.
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COVID-19: Sweeping Changes to Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) Procedures
The Chief Magistrate has announced changes to the procedures for AVO cases in New South Wales.
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COVID-19: The New Restrictions on Gatherings and Movement
We answer frequently asked questions such as: what is a ‘reasonable excuse’ for leaving home? What is the 2 person rule? What are the exceptions to that rule? And more…
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Defendant Granted Bail Due to Coronavirus Concerns
“Given the extraordinary circumstances in which we now find ourselves, I have come to the conclusion that an already significant delay will be likely exacerbated by the consequences of COVID-19”.
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The Offence of Failing to Comply With a Public Health Order
A woman is facing court for allegedly coughing towards others.
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“It’s a Crime to Report a Crime”: An Interview With Lawyer Bernard Collaery
The lawyer whose client is accused of revealing Australia’s illegal bugging of East Timor’s Cabinet speaks out.
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Stop COVID Aboriginal Deaths in Custody: An Interview With the ALS’s Makayla Reynolds
The Aboriginal Legal Service is calling for the release of vulnerable First Nations inmates, to prevent deaths inside and the general spread of the virus.
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All Local Court Bail Applications to Be Heard in the Downing Centre
All Local Court Bail Applications in the Sydney Metropolitan Area which request release from custody will now be heard in the Downing Centre.
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The Legal Obligations of Parents Whose Children Are Learning From Home
Many are unsure of their legal responsibilities where their children are being schooled from home.
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What is the Offence of Drug Supply in New South Wales?
A man has been charged with drug supply after allegedly dropping off a box of fruit containing a packet of drugs to a person in COVID-19 quarantine.
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Innocent Refugees Denied COVID-19 Protection
“This is coronavirus torture… If one person catches this virus, all of these refugees will get it and all the officers.”
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Man Fined for Eating a Kebab Alone on a Bench
Many are concerned about new police powers to control citizens, particularly the lack of oversight from parliament and the courts.
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Should the Government Introduce ‘Pandemic Leave’?
The leave would mean all employees could take two-weeks of unpaid leave if they wish to self-isolate.
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The Gates Foundation’s Prophetic Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation
Last October’s simulation of a coronavirus pandemic is uncanny.
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Judges Call For Oversight of Police Powers During COVID-19
Several prominent former judges have expressed concerns over the closure of federal and state parliaments, the passing of laws without proper scrutiny and the handover of control to police.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.