Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 6 to 12 July 2020

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
What is a Good Behaviour Licence in New South Wales?
Full licence holders who exceed their demerit point limit may elect to obtain a good behaviour licence.
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Alternatives to Calling the Police in New South Wales
Who do you call when you need help? It turns out there are a number of organisations that may be able to help.
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Victorian / NSW Border Closure: An Outline of the Rules
The border has closed for the first time in a century, but permits are available in certain circumstances.
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Intentionally or Recklessly Destroying or Damaging Property in NSW
Police are investigating a suspicious fire in a Burwood barber shop overnight.
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New Rules for Mental Health Orders in NSW
New laws will come into effect regulating the circumstances in which Local Court criminal cases can be dismissed for mental health reasons.
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Melbourne’s Public Housing Hard Lockdown: An Interview With Victorian Socialists’ Kath Larkin
The Victorian government has deployed 500 armed police officers to enforce an extreme lockdown of nine public housing towers, due to the threat of COVID-19.
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Justice for Wayne Fella Morrison: An Interview with Caroline Andersen
Wayne Fella Morrison became unresponsive after five prison guards wrestled him into a van and got in with him three minutes earlier.
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Mental Health Laws Are Set to Change In NSW
Laws relating to fitness to stand trial, the insanity defence and diverting those who suffer from mental health conditions are set to change in NSW.
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When It Comes to Punishing Refugees, Dutton Is the New Morrison
Peter Dutton is often cast as the most sinister federal MP, but it should be remembered that the current PM laid the foundations for him.
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Australia: Moving Toward a Cashless Society
The nation’s move towards a cashless society is hitting our most vulnerable the hardest.
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Criminal Law Barristers Quit Legal Profession in Droves
Criminal law barristers have been hit especially hard by COVID-19, with many turning to other work or quitting the bar altogether.
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It’s High Time: An Interview With Legalise Cannabis Queensland’s Deb Lynch
The criminalisation of cannabis has led to otherwise law-abiding, honest, well-intentioned and even desperately ill Australians unnecessarily facing criminal convictions.
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Canadian Activists Hand Out Free Drugs to Highlight Overdose Crisis
Drug activists in Vancouver are calling for a clean, consistent supply of drugs during COVID-19.
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NSW Police Detectives Accused of Illegally Manufacturing Prohibited Drugs
The homes of two NSW drug squad detectives have been raided in relation to allegations that they manufactured prohibited drugs.
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Australia Gives the Nod to Israeli Expansion in Occupied Palestine
Australia has used its position in the United Nations to approve further Israeli incursions into Palestinian territory.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.