Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 9 to 15 November 2020

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
The Netflix Access Scam: How Did the Mastermind Do it?
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Punishing, Silencing and Detaining the Innocent: An Interview With Refugee Farhad Rahmati
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The ICAC and NSW Corruption Offences
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Increase in Corruption Complaints Against Home Affairs is a Positive Sign, Watchdog Claims
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First Nations Mobilising Was Overpoliced, Again, at Sydney’s Djab Wurrung Rally
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The Nats Are Still Attempting to Kill Off Koalas: An Interview With Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann
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NSW Police Officer Charged with Assaulting Teenager
The officer struck the naked teen 16 times with his baton as the boy lay on the ground pleading, “Help. Please, God, I need water. I’m not resisting”.
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Systemic Bullying, Brutality and Cover-Ups: Officers Speak Out Against Toxic Police Culture
NSW police officers have spoken against the culture of rewarding ‘bad cops’ and forcing the good ones out.
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“It’s Designed to Fail”: Geoffrey Watson SC on Morrison’s Federal ICAC Proposal
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Teflon Gladys. Is it Time for the NSW Premier to Resign?
There are renewed calls for Ms Berejiklian to resign over findings her office shredded documents relating to $252 million of questionable government grants.
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Refugees Call to Be Reunited With Their Families
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The Offence of Wounding or Causing Grievous Bodily Harm With Intent in NSW
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Why Is the Coalition So Reluctant to Establish a Federal Anti-Corruption Watchdog?
Click here to read the article
Join the Trans Day of Resistance in Newtown: Pride in Protest’s Charlie Murphy
Proposed laws represent an “incredibly sadistic and cruel way of trying to hurt and oppress minorities, at a time when they’re vulnerable.”
Click here to read the article
If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.