The Pro-Palestine Gadigal-Sydney Ceasefire March Is 27 Weeks Strong: In Photos

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The Pro-Palestine Gadigal-Sydney Ceasefire March Is 27 Weeks Strong: In Photos

Protest crowds have a life of their own: each one unique, with something of a character and personality of which you can speak.

There have been many significant protests to have gathered on unceded Gadigal land, amongst the colonial statues of Hyde Park, and then proceed down through the glitz of the Sydney CBD.

Gatherings like these, when sentiments are high, see the relevant issue morph into a living, breathing procession of people. And there is something about each of these marches that marks a victory of the oppressed, or the suppressed, over the oppressor.

The Palestine Action Group ceasefire protest march has its own unique personality, like each rally that passes through the city, and right now this procession is 27 weeks old and has maintained its strength since it commenced, even with pushback from the authorities.

And on Sunday, 14 April, it was as healthy as ever.

The reason? Israel has carpet bombed and purposefully starved the entire population of Palestinians in Gaza in front of the globe for six months, with western nations having stood by complicitly handing over the arsenal to the genociders, so they can “defend” themselves.

But despite the Gaza genocide provoking it, the pro-Palestinian procession of this city is breathtaking to behold, as it thunders through the city streets, watermelon coloured, and its chants about Palestinian liberation shift as it sees freedom taking form on the horizon.

Sydney Criminal Lawyers was there in solidarity and to capture it in photos.

The Pro-Palestine Gadigal-Sydney Ceasefire March Is 27 Weeks Strong: In Photos


Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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