News : Crime

Food Delivery Riders Face Fines for Not Wearing High-Visibility Vests

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It seems that as each year goes by, more and more rules come into effect regulating our everyday lives, ostensibly for our own protection but increasingly making it harder to go about our business without finding ourselves in the wrong...

What is a Criminal Justice Visa in Australia?

A criminal justice visa allows a person who is not an Australian citizen or a valid visa holder and is accused of a crime or otherwise required for the criminal justice process to remain or arrive in the country while...

Criminal Offences Related to War Memorials and Cemeteries in NSW

In August this year, two men were fined thousands of dollars after pleading guilty to court after pleading guilty to damaging or defacing a heritage-listed war memorial at Casino on the North Coast of New South Wales. The site was damaged...

The Offence of Female Genital Mutilation Does Not Apply to Adult Females

The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal has found that a body modification artist who performed cosmetic labiaplasty on an adult woman with her consent, should not have been convicted of female genital mutilation contrary to s 45(1)(a) of the Crimes...

Can Good Character References Be Used During Sentencing Proceedings for Child Sex Offences?

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Two young men are on a campaign to prohibit those who plead guilty or are found guilty of child sexual offences from using good character references during their sentencing hearings, which is the time when the magistrate or judge decides...

Man Refused Compensation Despite Nearly Dying Due to COVID-19 Vaccine

A Queensland man who suffered a heart injury almost died three times after a single dose of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 injection is not only barred from seeking compensation from the company due to protections for pharmaceutical companies put into place...

The Flaccid Diplomacy of Vassal State PM Anthony Albanese in the US

PM Anthony Albanese has again been in the United States standing side-by-side his local counterpart Joe Biden on podiums just like he did in March, when he and the American president laid out the details of the AUKUS pact, which...

NSW Premier Won’t Introduce Pill Testing, Despite Continuing Deaths and Calls From His Own Party

“Politics often presents the choice between the unpalatable and the disastrous,” said former NSW Labor premier Bob Carr, during a speech he gave to a 2022 Sydney drug law reform conference last year. Indeed, Carr’s alternates sum up exactly the...

Strip Searches: Minns Probes Whether Sexual Assault by the State Is Right for Kids

Redfern Legal Centre released figures on 17 October, outlining how many children - 10- to 17-year-olds - NSW police officers have strip searched over the 24 months to June this year, which revealed that 107 kids had been made to...

Ruby Princess Class Action: Federal Court Finds Carnival Cruises to be Negligent

The Federal Court of Australia has ruled in favour of the plaintiffs in the class action lawsuit brought against Carnival Cruises over its negligent handling of the Covid-19 outbreak aboard the Ruby Princess which docked in Sydney Harbour on 8...
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