News : Crime

UK Court Rules Suicide of Domestic Violence Victim an ‘Unlawful Killing’

A Coroner’s Court in the United Kingdom has determined that a woman who took her own life after domestic abuse, was ‘unlawfully killed.’  A previous inquest ruled the cause of Kellie Sutton’s death was suicide, after she was found unconscious...

Robodebt Commission Recommends Criminal Charges Against Those Responsible

Robodebt was a scheme engineered and implemented by senior federal politicians and bureaucrats to illegally extort money from thousands of the most vulnerable members of our society, leading many into depression and driving some to suicide. In 2019, the Federal...

Criminal Offences Related To Unlawful Gambling in NSW

Whether it’s placing a bet at the track or trying your luck with the pokies, many Australians enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment. However, the lawfulness if gambling in NSW is tightly regulated, with unlawful gambling operations carrying strict...

Canadian Court Rules That a ‘Thumbs Up’ Emoji Can Validate a Contract

It’s hard not to love the emoji - it’s a cute, quick and easy way to communicate. And tech providers are coming up with new ideas all the time to keep us amused as we stay in touch with each...

In What Circumstances Can a Judge Direct a Jury to Acquit the Defendant?

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A judge who was presiding over the jury trial of a Victorian police officer this week has taken the decision regarding guilt or innocence away from the jurors, directing them to return an acquittal on all assault charges and thereby...

Ben & Jerry’s Founder Arrested for Protesting the Prosecution of Julian Assange

The founder of ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s has been arrested for protesting against the continuing prosecution of Julian Assange by the United States Government.  On 6 July 2023, Ben Cohen was leading a small group of protesters, along...

Is It A Crime To Access or Possess an Intimate Images Without Consent in NSW?

Yesterday it was revealed that the AFL is investigating the distribution of nude photos and videos of at least 45 past and present players, that have been shared across social media. Intimate images shared without a person’s consent are referred...

Police Officer Who Fatally Tasered 95-Year Old Excused From Attending Court

The New South Wales police officer who fatally tasered 95-year old grandmother, Clare Nowland, has faced Cooma Local Court, where the presiding magistrate expressed “absolute disgust” for the fact the officer, 33-year old senior constable Kristian White, was allowed to...

NSW Police Officer Found Guilty of Aggravated Sexual Assault of Teenager

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A New South Wales Police Officer has been found guilty of having sexual intercourse with a child between the ages of 14 and 16 years. Former officer Troy Robert Cridland was refused bail and taken into custody after a jury...

New Criminal Offences Relating to Possessing or Using Knives in NSW

The NSW government has just doubled the penalties for knife crimes by introducing fresh indictable offences (which are offences that can be referred to a higher court, such as the District Court) into the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), replacing the...
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