The Misconceptions of Pseudolegal Preachers – Part 2: Baseless Legal Arguments
In Part 1 of this three-part series, we looked at some of the misinformation regarding the source and scope of the law disseminated by pseudolegal preachers. In this second instalment, we’ll look at some of the most common legal arguments...
Mark Standen: Corrupt Crime Commission Czar
A young schoolboy who aspired to be a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) pilot could not have dreamed his adult life would be entangled with Dutch drug cartel godfathers, semi-trailer drug manufacturing operations, millions of dollars in cash. But budding...
Fatal Police Shootings Are at An All Time High in Australia
A man was shot dead by New South Wales Police this week. According to Assistant Police Commissioner Stuart Smith, officers confronted the man who was wielding a knife at Auburn train station, and had just “seconds” to react after he...
What is the Mental Element of Murder in New South Wales?
Colombian student Hector Enrique Valencia was initially charged with murder over the killing of Kimberley McRae in her Coogee apartment in January 2020, as well as the alternative charge of manslaughter. The 23-year old pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the...
Are ‘Recovered’ Memories of Childhood Abuse Reliable?
In the 1970s, a Canadian woman named Michelle Smith sought psychiatric treatment for depression following a miscarriage. Her psychiatrist, Lawrence Pazder, felt that her symptoms indicated early experiences of child sexual abuse, and he then used hypnosis to help “recover”...
Is it a Crime to Produce, Possess or Distribute AI Generated Child Pornography?
AI image generators, which use cutting edge algorithms to create unique, photo-realistic images are quickly becoming popular within creative industries. But as with all new technologies, they can also be used for nefarious purposes. Arrest for producing child pornography via...
Sydney Solicitor Cleared of Sexual Assault Allegations
A solicitor employed with a criminal law firm in Sydney’s west has been cleared of all sexual assault allegations made against him. 29-year old criminal defence lawyer Steven Mercael was charged with aggravated sexual assault as well as the lesser...
Midnight House Arrest Politically Motivated, Says Student Housing Activist Cherish Kuehlmann
UNSW SRC education officer Cherish Kuehlmann had four NSW police officers bash on the front door of her Eastlakes apartment at midnight last Saturday and arrest her in relation to a housing crisis protest directed at major banks in Sydney’s...
Should Parents Who Unintentionally Leave Children to Die in Hot Cars Be Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter?
A Sydney man won’t be charged over the death of his 3-year old son who he left in a hot, closed car all day. While social media has gone into overdrive with its typical judgemental comments, some might argue that...
Facebook Administrators Must Not Tolerate Hate-Speech or the Incitement of Violence
The founder of a Facebook community crime page has had his account suspended by the social media giant for breaching its guidelines. The social media page, called Action for Alice, is a forum for the Alice Springs community dealing with...