The Offence of Failing to Stop after an Impact Causing Death in New South Wales
A truck driver is facing criminal charges after his vehicle allegedly hit and killed a young father at the side of a busy roadway. According to police, the 37-year old male driver was travelling on a north bound lane of...
What is a Severity Appeal in New South Wales?
An elite cyclist has had his convictions overturned in the District Court of New South Wales after initially pleading guilty in the Local Court to assaulting two teenage girls following a ‘knock and run’ prank. 27-year old Dutch cyclist Mathieu...
The Offence of Misconduct With Regard to Corpses in New South Wales
On Sunday, 6 May 2018 human remains were located in bushland near Laycock Street in the Greater Sydney suburb of Cranebrook. A forensic examination determined the remains to be those of Cheryl Ardler, who disappeared from the suburb on 12...
The Crime of Murder in New South Wales
A man is facing Maitland Local Court this morning accused of a fatally assaulting a man at a railway station in the Hunter region yesterday afternoon. According to police, officers from Port Stephens-Hunter Police District were called to Beresfield Train Station,...
The Law, Defences and Penalties for Large Commercial Drug Supply in NSW
A former ABC news presenter was refused bail in Downing Centre Local Court on Thursday, 8 December 2022 after being charged with a string of drug offences arising from raids on two Sydney Hotels. 52-year old Ashley Hall from Burwood...
Perrottet’s Crusade to Demonise and Incarcerate Climate Defenders to Save Fossil Fuels
When Donald Trump was elected US president in November 2016, current NSW premier Dominic Perrottet proclaimed, it was “time for a conservative spring”, and following from that, one can only imagine that right now the Liberal leader feels he’s basking in...
A History of Extreme Right-Wing Nationalism in The Lucky Country
Let’s look at the basics; the general tenets of left and right wing politics, which in their more extreme forms are sometimes referred to respectively as socialism or communism on the one hand, and fascism or Nazism on the other....
The Legalise Cannabis Victoria Election Result Bodes Well for Genuine Law Reform
Right now, the prediction is that Legalise Cannabis Victoria may well take out three upper house seats in the Victorian state election. Having secured two already, the party is waiting for the final count, but at present, it has garnered...
Star Sued Over Money Laundering: An Interview with First AML’s Milan Cooper
Australian government financial intelligence agency AUSTRAC last week announced that its launched proceedings against Sydney Star Casino and Star Entertainment Queensland (Star Entities) in relation to “alleged serious and systemic noncompliance” with money laundering protections. The federal agency claims that Star Entities...
No Sex for You! Indonesia Criminalises Sexual Intercourse Outside Marriage
The Indonesian parliament has passed a new criminal code containing measures designed to deter “immoral acts” and suppress divergent political views. The laws were supported by all political parties and signify the nation’s regression to religion-based laws - Indonesia being...