News : Crime

This is a Police State: Restore the Right to Demonstrate

The footage of the attack upon Sydney protester Danny Lim on the part of two NSW police officers in plain view of the public, indeed in a main thoroughfare of the Queen Victoria Building, was not only brutal but it also...

The History of Parricide: Intentionally Killing a Close Family Member

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Murdering one’s own mother or father is an act so reviled throughout history that no King, Queen, Emperor, Sultan or dictator wanted to acknowledge it even existed by making it a discrete criminal offence. This is despite many such heads...

Police Assault on Lim Raises Questions About the Enforcement of Law in NSW

Sydney is aghast over the assault perpetrated upon nonviolent elderly protester Danny Lim by two police officers on Tuesday. And there’s much chatter on social media about the broader implications of this type of incident being carried out by officers who...

Thugs in Blue Uniform: NSW Police Assault Beloved Sydney Identity

He’s beloved around the Sydney CBD for his cheeky but peaceful protests, but Danny Lim is now in a “poor state” in hospital after sustaining injuries during a horrific and violent arrest by New South Wales police officers.  78-year old...

NSW Police Assault Well-Known Protester: Officers Slam Danny Lim’s Face into Ground

Two police officers approach a well-known Sydney figure wearing a sandwich board with colourful and somewhat “cheeky” messaging on it in the Queen Victoria Building on Tuesday, and within minutes slam him face first into the tiled floor of the...

In What Circumstances Can I Change My Plea of Guilty to Not Guilty in NSW?

A man who unexpectedly pleaded guilty to murdering American Scott Johnson in 1988, has had his conviction quashed on appeal and will now face trial for murder in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Scott Johnson’s naked body was...

NZ Delegation Puts Australian Deportation Abuses on UN Torture Agenda

A delegation of high-level Australian officials appeared before the UN Committee Against Torture last week to participate in the nation’s four yearly review on how its tracking in terms of adherence to the 1984 Convention Against Torture (CAT), as well...

World Leaders Sign Declaration to Introduce COVID Vaccine Passports

At this year’s G20 Summit in Indonesia, the twenty participating world leaders signed a declaration to introduce vaccine passports for their respective jurisdictions, with the stated intention of creating a global verification system to facilitate safe international travel. What is...

The Criminal Offence of Coercive Control in New South Wales

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A Bill has passed both houses of the New South Wales parliament which makes it a discrete criminal offence punishable by up to 7 years in prison for a current or former intimate partner to exert coercive control over another....

The Workplace Offence of Engaging in Discriminatory Conduct for a Prohibited Reason in NSW

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Australia’s most famous airline is in Downing Centre District Court this week, facing criminal charges after it allegedly dismissed a worker for raising concerns about contracting Covid-19 from aircraft arriving from China at the start of the pandemic. Qantas has...
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