News : Interviews

Dunghutti Activist Paul Silva Calls on Wider NSW to Protest Record Custody Deaths

The NSW criminal justice system is killing more First Nations people than ever before. A total of 16 Indigenous people of various ethnicities died in the custody of either NSW police or Corrective Services NSW in 2021, which is the...

Dristi Nepal’s Parina Subba Limbu on the Rights of Women Who Use Drugs

Established in 2006, Dristi Nepal is a peer-led harm reduction organisation for women who use drugs, those living with HIV and sex workers. Since April 2018, the organisation has been running a needle and syringe program for women who inject drugs in...

Let’s Legalise It: Senator Shoebridge on Legislating Lawful Cannabis Nationwide

Since Australian Greens Senator David Shoebridge announced he’ll be introducing legislation into federal parliament with the aim of legalising cannabis for recreational use, there’s been a distinct feeling in the air that this is going to come to fruition. And...

Served His Time, Seeking Return: An Interview with Deported “Jailhouse Lawyer” David McCulloch

Former Victoria police drug squad sergeant Malcolm Rosenes was last week charged with drug trafficking, which, according to “jailhouse lawyer” David McCulloch, marks a return to the former detective’s old ways, as he was sentenced to prison on seven counts of...

Allegiance to the People, Not the King: Australian Republic Movement’s Sandy Biar on Severing Ties

The death of Queen Elizabeth II evoked differing responses. To many in this country, the British monarch of 70 years was a figure who well served the people of the Commonwealth. For others, she was an archaic figurehead, representing past...

Rescuing Elephants: An Interview With Thai Elephant Alliance Association’s Mr Kid

Gone are the days, when tourists in Thailand would flock to parks to ride elephants on a so-called safari, with a keeper, or mahout, strolling beside the large pachyderm brandishing a metal hook they used to prod the animal to...

Abolish the Monarchy: FISTT’s Lynda-June Coe on Protesting the British Crown

The outpouring of grief over the death of Queen Elizabeth II, along with the saturation media coverage, the closure of parliaments and the establishment of an official day of mourning, have all raised serious questions about the polity that goes by...

Free Ned Kelly: An Interview With the Indefinitely Detained Iranian Asylum Seeker

Right now, Ned Kelly Emeralds is being detained in Australian onshore immigration detention for a tenth year, with no clear end in sight. The Iranian refugee, who fled persecution in his homelands, arrived in Australian waters back in 2013. In 2019,...

Displaced People Numbers Escalate Globally: An Interview With IMA’s Professor Bruno Di Biase

In its June-released Global Trends Forced Displacement Report in 2021, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) revealed that there were 89.3 million displaced persons globally at the end of last year. These figures are part of an escalating trend...

Five Years in Indonesian Immigration Limbo: An Interview With Hazara Refugee Karima Hakimi

Hazara woman Karima Hakimi, her husband, her four children and her elderly mother have all been stuck in the Indonesia immigration detention system on the island of Java since August 2017, with the succeeding years being lived in a state of...
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