News : Interviews

Empowering Myanmar’s Indigenous Refugee Women: An Interview With the WEAVE Foundation’s Mitos Urgel

WEAVE Women operates a series of development projects, which aim to empower women from Indigenous minorities, who’ve fled across the border from Myanmar into north-western Thailand and are currently living in refugee camps along the border. Headquartered in Thailand’s second...

Protesting Australia’s Peak Far-Right Gathering: CARR’s Owen Marsden-Readford on CPAC

Billed as “the largest and most prominent conference for conservatives and liberty lovers in Australia”, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was set to take place over the 1st of October weekend at Sydney’s Luna Park, until it wasn’t. Featuring...

“A Legal Quagmire”: Georgatos on Incarcerating Youths in Casuarina Adult Prison

The WA Department of Justice transferred 17 youth detainees aged from 14 to 17 into Casuarina Prison, an adult maximum-security facility, on 20 July, as the conditions at their former place of detention, Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre, were reaching crisis...

“A Crime Against Humanity”: Independent MP Andrew Wilkie on Ending Mandatory Detention

The staggered release of the Medevac refugees from long-term detention in hotels scattered across the nation, which began in December 2020 and came to a close right before this year’s election, brought a lengthy campaign to see them out and living in...

Wikipedia Is Influencing Judicial Decisions, Study Finds

Individuals awaiting trial after being charged with a serious indictable offence are usually under a lot of stress, which would only be compounded if they thought the judge presiding over their case was regularly consulting Wikipedia as a source of authority....

“Taking Back Control”: Greens MLC Abigail Boyd on Nationalising the Energy Sector

Crises linked to our use of fossil fuels have become an everyday occurrence. If it’s not drought then it’s megafires or more recently, it’s the ongoing floods, and since the Morrison government dropped us in it, it’s the crisis in...

Stop the Waste-to-Energy Incinerators, Demands Western Sydney Direct Action’s Melinda Wilson

Right now, Next Generation and Cleanaway are proposing to build waste-to-energy incinerators in Western Sydney, despite a long-term public campaign against their establishment, which, last year, led the NSW Liberal Nationals government to rule them out. Waste-to-energy (WTE) incineration involves the...

Calls to Ban Greyhound Racing Continue: An Interview With CPG’s Fiona Chisholm

In a move described as “the mother of all backflips”, former NSW premier Mike Baird reversed a ban on greyhound racing in October 2016, despite his government only having passed the prohibition, set to come into effect in July 2017, three...

A Misuse of the Law to Silence Me: Vegan Activist Tash Peterson on Liquor Premises Ban

The disruptive protests of animal rights activist Tash Peterson have caused such a stir in her home state of Western Australia over the last three years, that WA police recently banned her from all licensed premises, issuing a barring notice under...

“Police Powers Are Bleeding Out”: Redfern Legal Centre’s Sam Lee on the Strip Search Class Action

The long-awaited strip search class action was filed in the Common Law Division of the NSW Supreme Court on 21 July. The proceedings will cover all music festival attendees, who’ve registered and been subjected to a suspect strip search at events...
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