News : Interviews

A More Inclusive City of Sydney: An Interview With Greens Council Candidate Sylvie Ellsmore

Since the 2016 City of Sydney council elections, the political climate has changed dramatically, as multiple crises have swept through NSW, which have included the years-long drought, the 2019-20 bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic. These crises have led to dramatic...

Disrupting Weapons Suppliers: An Interview With Make West Papua Safe’s Jason MacLeod

Professor Jason MacLeod and several other antiwar activists staged a peaceful demonstration on the doorstep of the Brisbane offices of transnational weapons manufacturer Thales on 31 May, to draw attention to the company supplying weapons that are used to kill...

Drop the Whistleblower Prosecutions: An Interview With AAPP’s Kathryn Kelly

Currently, the federal government is continuing the prosecutions against a number of its former distinguished representatives and affiliates for blowing the whistle on the corrupt practices of its officials and agents. Former ACT attorney general Bernard Collaery is one of...

Justice for Mr Riley: An Interview With Cassandra Riley and Dr Hannah McGlade

The coronial inquest into the death in custody of Mr Riley came to a close on 1 June. The 39-year-old Noongar man was tasered a total of 10 times in the carpark of East Perth Officeworks on the morning of...

Reigniting the Aboriginal Watch Committees: An Interview With Aunty Susie Dixon

The 15 April this year marked the thirtieth anniversary of the handing down of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody final report. The document was thorough, with most agreeing that the 339 recommendations contained within it provide a...

Rallying Against COVID Passports: An Interview With No Health Passport’s Ben Lay

The European Parliament voted last week to call on the EU to support the “Indian and South African World Trade Organization (WHO) initiative for a temporary waiver on intellectual property (IP) rights for COVID-19 vaccine”, so that nations of the...

A Warning Against Another Morrison Government: An Interview With Bruce Haigh

Protesters gathered at Sydney Town Hall on 16 May to mark 12 years since the Sri Lankan government perpetrated the 2009 Mullivaikkal massacre, which took the lives of an estimated 70,000 unarmed Tamil civilians. A decades-long conflict between the majority...

Inmates Continue to Be Denied Medicare: An Interview With NSPTRP’s Connie Georgatos

Australian state and territory governments love to invest in building further prison capacity, but they tend to draw the line at funding adequate on-site healthcare for prisoners. This means that those being denied their liberty at order of the courts,...

Australia Is Complicit in Israel’s Atrocity Crimes: An Interview With ACIJ’s Rawan Arraf

As the violence in Palestine-Israel continues to escalate, so too does the mainstream media’s focus on the rockets Hamas is launching out of Gaza, despite their impact being dwarfed by the force of the sophisticated weaponry being unleashed upon civilians...

Trans Is a Gift, Not a Threat: AusPATH’s Teddy Cook on Latham’s Anti-Trans Laws

Currently, there’s a very dangerous bill under review of a NSW parliamentary committee that seeks to effectively erase the identity of trans kids within the education system, as it would ban all staff from mentioning gender fluidity at schools via...
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