News : Interviews

Religious Zealotry Is Dangerous: The Rationalist Society’s Dr Meredith Doig on the PM’s Speech

“Sure, social media has its virtues and it’s values, and it enables us to connect with people in ways we never have before,” said prime minister Scott Morrison. “Terrific, terrific, but those weapons can also be used by the Evil...

Keeping Women Out of Prison: An Interview With the Miranda Project’s Marisa Moliterno

The number of women being incarcerated in the NSW prison system has been rising at a significant rate over recent decades. And no one is suggesting this has anything to do with more women turning to a life of crime....

The Continuing Tamil Genocide in Sri Lanka: An Interview With TRC’s Charanja Thavendran

Towards the end of the decades-long Sri Lankan civil war, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had effectively formed a functioning military state, with its own infrastructure, in the northern Tamil majority region of the island. And the town...

“The Beginning of the End of Drug Prohibition”: An Interview With Drug Policy Australia’s Greg Chipp

Pill testing has been implemented in certain European nations since the early 1990s. This harm reduction strategy developed out of the burgeoning rave culture alongside the emergence of new forms of electronic music and a taste for party drugs. Thirty...

Protesting Latham’s Trans Prejudice in Parliament: An Interview With CARR’s April

“How dare you sit there and try to see the rolling back of our rights… trying to attack the most vulnerable people in our society, transgender young people, who have already got it tough enough,”  April called out to NSW...

Federal Labor Commits to War Powers Inquiry: An Interview With AWPR’s Dr Alison Broinowski

The release of the Brereton report shocked the nation. The investigation uncovered alleged war crimes perpetrated by Australian SAS troops in Afghanistan, of which 39 were recommended for possible prosecution. The inquiry also exposed the “warrior culture” operating within special...

First Nations Deaths in Custody Must be Independently Investigated: An Interview With David Shoebridge

The 15th of April was a sombre day this year, as it marked 30 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody handed down a set of comprehensive recommendations designed to bring a halt to Indigenous fatalities under...

Legalise Cannabis WA Takes Two Upper House Seats: An Interview With MLC Sophia Moermond

In a sign that the global trend towards legalised cannabis markets is likely to hit Australian shores in the not-too-distant future, the Legalise Cannabis WA (LCWA) Party took out two Legislative Council seats in the 13 March Western Australian state...

“A Sword and Not a Shield”: Professor Simon Rice on Latham’s Religious Freedom Laws

That people should not be discriminated against because of their religious beliefs is something that a majority living within our secular society would agree upon. Indeed, persecuting someone because of adherence to a particular faith is akin to discrimination on...

A “Totalitarian Regime With a Sunny Climate”: McBride on Whistleblower Persecution

“I am appalled by what our country has become,” said former ADF lawyer David McBride. “I grew up in the shadow of the Second World War. I believed all that. And my disgust and anger to find that most of...
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