Managing Problematic Behaviours: An Interview With Smart Recovery’s Josette Freeman
As it’s often said, the first step to recovery is admitting to yourself that you have a problem, while the second step is reaching out. And for many people, what springs to mind initially is 12 step recovery programs, such...
Computers in NSW Prison Cells: An Interview With Former Family Court Chief Justice Elizabeth Evatt
As the old adage goes, prison is for punishment, not for further punishment. Indeed, it’s the deprivation of an individual’s liberty that a judge sentences them to prison for, not so they can be subjected to further retribution while behind...
NSW Government Wants “Retrograde” HIV Testing Laws: An Interview With ACON’s Brent Mackie
The Berejiklian government recently introduced a bill that requires people to undergo mandatory blood testing to see if they have a blood-borne disease - specifically HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C - if they deliberately expose a health, emergency or...
Lawyer Mark Davis on the Brereton Report, McBride and Assange
Released publicly on 19 November 2020, the Brereton report exposes the “warrior culture” prevalent amongst SAS troops deployed in Afghanistan between the years 2005 and 2016, which fostered the committing of war crimes and “a code of silence” to conceal...
Barry Jones’ Summing Up of Australia’s “Unconscionable” Treatment of Refugees
Then Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull first spoke to Donald Trump in January 2017, as he wanted to square up that the newly-inaugurated president would stick to a deal negotiated with former head of state Barack Obama, involving the US resettling...
Self-Determination Upheld: An Interview With Brewarrina First Nations People’s David Kirby
The Brewarrina First Nations People announced on 13 November that they’ve rejected the state and federal government sponsored model of community-led representation under the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (MPRA). And instead, they’ll be upholding their right to self-determination. Citing ongoing...
Reining in Police Powers: Shoebridge on His Drug Dog and Strip Search Bill
Over the last two years, unlucky commuters at Sydney’s Central Station have been confronted with NSW police officers accompanied by drug dogs. Deployed at peak hour, these officers have been equipped with screens, allowing them to strip search citizens if...
Join the Trans Day of Resistance in Newtown: Pride in Protest’s Charlie Murphy
Pride in Protest and Trans Action Warrang are calling on Sydneysiders to get out on the streets and join them at the Trans Day of Resistance rally in Newtown, because, as both activist groups assert, there’s a lot to be...
“It’s Designed to Fail”: Geoffrey Watson SC on Morrison’s Federal ICAC Proposal
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, prime minister Scott Morrison promised he was going to deliver on the long-sought-after federal anti-corruption commission. It would be kind of like a NSW ICAC, although shrouded in secrecy. The...
The Nats Are Still Attempting to Kill Off Koalas: An Interview With Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann
The decades-long association between the NSW Liberal Party and the Nationals known as the Coalition was almost brought to an end in mid-September, when deputy premier and Nats leader John Barilaro threatened to march his entire party over to the...