Melbourne Antiwar Activists Disrupt to Heighten Genocide Awareness: An Eyewitness Account
Antiwar activists descended upon Port Melbourne’s Lorimer Street and Todd Road at 6 am on 18 December, blocking six lanes of traffic leading to the premises belonging to the government-funded Defence Science Technology Group (DSTG) and multinational weapons manufacturer Leonardo....
Mardi Gras Police Accords Voted Down: Pride in Protest’s Luc Velez on the Progressive Shift
Pride in Protest’s Luc Velez picked up the second highest primary vote at this year’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras board election, which showed a marked shift in the political leanings of those attending the annual general meeting that...
Most Want Separate Church and State: Sydney Atheists’ Steve Marton on Minns’ Faith Council
The last years of federal Coalition rule were marked by an attempt by prime minister Scott Morrison to advance the religious freedoms debate, in a manner that saw him dress up laws attempting to prioritise Christian liberties over all other, under...
The Right To Silence Across Australian Jurisdictions
The right to silence is not protected by the Australian Constitution, unlike in the United States where is is guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to that nation’s constitution and reflected in what are commonly known as ‘Miranda rights’, also known...
Hiding Australia’s Complicity: Shoebridge on Wong’s Trumpian Denial of Weapons Export Probing
An Israeli-perpetrated genocide has been underway in Gaza for the last two and a half months, which has resulted in around 18,000 Palestinians having been slaughtered. And more than 7,000 of the overwhelmingly civilian dead have been made up of children. The...
“A Sense of Complicity in Genocide”: UniMelb for Palestine’s Dana Alshaer on the Lockheed Martin Partnership
“Why does our university have a partnership with a weapons manufacturer in the first place?” UniMelb for Palestine organising member Dana Alshaer asked Melbourne University vice chancellor Duncan Maskell, which was a recorded confrontation that has since gone viral across social media....
“Literally Black Sites”: Dr Julie Macken on a Royal Commission into Immigration Detention
With the High Court ruling last month that the indefinite detention of unlawful noncitizens in immigration centres is illegal, the resulting release of around 140-odd people from a form of detention without an end or a crime, the Albanese government has...
“The Climate Movement Is Back”: Violet CoCo on XR Taking Over the Streets of Naarm
The word over recent weeks is that the local climate movement is back. The People’s Blockade of the World’s Biggest Coal Port saw 3,000 concerned citizens turn up on 25 November to shut down the Newcastle fossil fuel water passage for...
“You Don’t Betray Your Sources”: DBH’s Gerard Mazza on the ABC Handing Footage to Police
Seemingly bowing to political pressure, the ABC changed its mind on its initial decision not to hand over the footage that Four Corners journalists had taken of Disrupt Burrup Hub activists in July this year, as the group were planning...
“For Palestinian Liberation”: Unionists for Palestine’s Erima Dall on the Police Protest Crackdown
As NSW police set upon the 500 nonviolent demonstrators at Port Botany on 21 November with unbridled force, it became apparent that pro-Palestinian protesters are facing criminal charges in the same manner as climate defenders have been over recent years. The...