News : National

Hazing Allegations Spur Calls for Discrete Criminal Offence

Recent allegations of hazing at the University of Sydney’s St. Paul’s College, where students allegedly gagged a fellow student with a sex toy during a mock trial, has sent shockwaves across the community and sparked fresh calls for legal reforms,...

Big Wig Buys His Way Out of Tax Crimes, While ATO Whistleblower Is Criminally Prosecuted for Exposing Them

The close to a fortnight-old scandal relating to Mineral Resources boss Chris Ellison is continuing to develop, following the Australian Financial Review having run an 18 October article exposing one of the nation’s richest people as having established a series...

Australia Called Out on Appalling Track Record of Systemic Racism and Human Rights Abuses

Australian politicians and the mainstream media are up in arms about China’s foreign ministry spokesperson, Lin Jian, accusing our nation of ‘being plagued by systemic racism and hate crime’. Mr Jian drew attention to Australia’s appalling record on human rights,...

Building a Rights-Centred Society: ALHR’s Kerry Weste on a Human Rights Act for NSW

The NSW Bar Association and the Human Rights for NSW Alliance recently hosted a forum of legal experts, which included former High Court Justice Michael Kirby, and it discussed the need for a Human Rights Act (HRA) for NSW, as such...

Radio Host’s Outrage at Acknowledgement of Country Deflects from the Real Issues

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can offer an Acknowledgement of Country to any person at the beginning of a meeting, speech, event, or other gathering to recognise the traditional owners of the land and act as a positive step...

The Offence of Bribing a Foreign Public Official

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The Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)(‘the Act’) is a piece of legislation that applies across Australia and contains offences relating to a wide range of criminal conduct. Many of those offences relate to offences committed overseas, as well as cross-national...

NSW Police Continue to Harass Motorists with Unjust Zero-Tolerance Drug Driving Laws

A NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) study released this week has found that over the period 2008 through to last year, roadside drug testing (RDT) in this state, which was rolled out in 2007, has dramatically increased...

NSW Police Are Strip Searching Around 100 Civilians at Public Train Stations Annually

New South Wales police officers accompanied by drug detection dogs randomly searching commuters at train stations have been part of life in Sydney since NSW parliament passed laws coming into effect in February 2002, that permitted the warrantless use of...

Police Protect the Wealthy, While Targeting and Ignoring the Needs of the Poor

The urgency of the situation is palpable as police appeal to the public for information regarding a missing woman in the Snowy Mountains, specifically in Kosciuszko National Park, located almost 500 km southwest of Sydney in the Australian Capital Territory....

Tertiary Educators Nationwide Demand Universities Boycott Israel

The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) for Palestine, the National Union of Students (NUS) and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) held a National Day of Action on Wednesday, in support of implementing an Institutional Academic Boycott of Israel, of which...
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