The Right Lawyer Makes All the Difference: Our Client Receives Intensive Correction Order While His Co-Accused Is Sentenced to Full Time Imprisonment
Our client is a 21-year-old man who lives in Blacktown. He was charged with aggravated break, enter and steal motor vehicle, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. It was alleged that with another man, he broke...
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No Conviction for Aggravated Break and Enter and Commit Serious Indictable Offence
One of our Senior Lawyers obtained a section 10 (no conviction) for a highly-publicised ‘aggravated break, enter and steal’ case heard at the Downing Centre District Court. After a night out with some friends, our client, a 19-year-old man, was...
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Home Invasion Charges Dropped
The DPP has withdrawn all proceedings against our 27 year old client from Glebe who was charged with several offences including Specially Aggravated Break, Enter and Commit Serious Indictable Offence. The charges arose from a home invasion that occurred in...
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Bail Granted for 3 x Aggravated Break, Enter and Commit Serious Indictable Offence
The Magistrate in Central Local Court granted bail to our client who allegedly engaged in three separate offences of aggravated break, enter and commit serious indictable offence and intentionally or recklessly destroy / damage property in the Lindfield area in...
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Suspended Sentence for Aggravated Break, Enter and Commit a Serious Indictable Offence in Company
In Downing Centre District Court, our 29 year old Brighton-Le-Sands client was given a ‘suspended sentence’ for aggravated break, enter and steal upon a two-storey house in Killara, where he and another person broke into the home and stole a...
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Bail for client who was advised he had no chance
In Campbelltown Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® successfully obtained bail for a 23 year old ‘repeat offender’ who was advised by his former solicitors and barrister that he had no chance of getting bail. The man has several previous convictions...
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No Conviction for Aggravated Break and Enter with Intent
Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘Section 10’ (no criminal record) in Downing Centre Court for our 30 year old client who was initially charged with Aggravated Break & Enter with Intent to Commit an Indictable Offence. The case involved our...
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Aggravated Break and Enter Charges Dropped
After several months of intense negotiations, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® persuaded the DPP to withdraw all ‘break and enter’ charges against our 30 year old Darlinghurst client. The case involved our client allegedly breaking into a Woolloomooloo apartment with intent to...
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Suspended Sentences for Multiple Break, Enter and Steals
Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained ‘suspended sentences’ (no prison time) for a 34 year old man who pleaded guilty to a string of 5 ‘break, enter & steal’ offences against homes across Sydney’s North Shore. The man has a lengthy criminal...
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