Recent Criminal Cases


All Clients who Pleaded Guilty to Drug Possession Avoid Criminal Records

In Burwood Local Court, each of our Senior Lawyers represented 3 clients who were caught possessing drugs at the Stereosonic Music Festival. Our clients were from various social, economic and cultural backgrounds and worked in a range of fields –... read more

All Clients Charged with Drug Possession during Harbourlife Avoid Criminal Convictions

The Harbourlife Music Festival on 8th November 2014 led to a large number of arrests for drug possession. On 5th December, our Senior Lawyers each represented 3 clients who pleaded guilty to drug possession in Downing Centre Local Court. Our... read more

Drug Charges Thrown Out of Court

Our 26 year old client was charged with supplying 2.4 grams of cocaine, and a ‘backup’ charge of drug possession, after police located drugs and drug paraphernalia including electronic scales and resealable bags in a kitchen cupboard at his one-bedroom... read more

Client Avoids Criminal Conviction after Drug Supply Charges Reduced to Drug Possession

Our 21 year old client was charged with drug supply after police observed him smoking crystal methylamphetamine (‘ice’) through a glass pipe in the driver seat of his car. Police searched the car and located more ‘ice’ in a small... read more

Successful District Court Severity Appeals for Drug Possession Charges

Two young men and one young woman who pleaded ‘guilty’ in Deniliquin Local Court to numerous charges of ‘drug possession’ have had their convictions overturned on appeal to Downing Centre District Court. The charges arose after police applied for a... read more

Drug Possession Charge Thrown Out Due to Illegal Search

The Presiding Magistrate in Downing Centre Local Court dismissed charges of ‘drug possession‘ against our 29 year old client after police searched his car illegally. Our client was pulled over after he allegedly exceeded the speed limit and drove ‘recklessly’.... read more

Charges Dismissed due to Mental Health

Here are some recent examples of our criminal defence team getting charges dismissed due to mental health under ‘section 32: The Magistrate in Ryde Local Court dismissed charges of larceny against our 37 year old client who was caught stealing... read more

Not Guilty of Resisting Police; Magistrate Criticises Heavy-Handed Officers

The Magistrate in Downing Centre Local Court dismissed the case against our 30 year old client who was charged with ‘resisting officer in execution of duty’. Police arrested our client in Woolloomoolloo when they suspected him of possessing drugs. Our... read more

Drug Charges Dismissed Due to Illegal Search

The Presiding Magistrate in Hornsby Local Court dismissed drug possession charges against our 21 year old client from Wahroonga who was stopped and searched in a Pennant Hills carpark. Police approached our client claiming he appeared to be ‘acting suspiciously’... read more

Supply Charges Dropped and No Conviction Recorded for 10 Ecstacy Tablets

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® convinced the DPP to withdraw two charges of ‘drug supply’ against our 20 year old Menai client, then obtained a ‘section 10 dismissal’ in Downing Centre Local Court for the remaining charge of ‘drug possession’. This means... read more
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