No Suspension for Traffic Offence While Being on Good Behaviour Licence
Our client is a 48-year-old truck driver from Edgecliff. He came to us with a lengthy traffic record including 3 prior drink driving offences and a number of speeding offences. He was also on a good behaviour licence. While on...
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Client Avoids Conviction and Disqualification after blowing 0.111
Our client is a High School Teacher who attended a Hotel in Sydney’s South West with several friends. She consumed a number of apple ciders over the course of the evening, then got into her car and drove towards her...
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Driver Avoids Conviction after case reduced from High Range to Low Range PCA
A driver who registered a high-range blood alcohol reading of 0.163 avoided a conviction in Downing Centre Local Court after his reading was later reduced to 0.78. The driver was pulled-over for a roadside random breath test near the Sydney...
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High Range PCA and DUI Charges Dropped
Police were forced to withdraw drink driving charges against our 48 year old client from Castle Hill after they failed to follow the law. The case involved our client crashing into a telegraph pole while allegedly driving with a blood...
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No Conviction for Mid Range Drink Driving, Second Offence
In Balmain Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘section 10’ (no conviction or disqualification) for our 52 year old client who pleaded ‘guilty’ to driving with an alcohol reading of 0.122. The result was obtained despite this being our...
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No Conviction for High Range PCA
In Downing Centre District Court, our 46 year old Mascot client was dealt with under ‘Section 10’, which means without disqualification, fine or conviction despite having a blood alcohol reading of 0.165. She is a person of excellent character and...
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Skye’s Law Appeal Successful
In Wollongong District Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® successfully appealed a decision by Batemans Bay Local Court to imprison a 24 year old Canberra man for ‘police pursuit‘ and ‘mid range drink driving’. The man had been represented by other lawyers...
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No Conviction for High Range Drink Driving
In Waverley Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘Section 10’ (no conviction or disqualification) for a 28 year old man who pleaded guilty to driving with ‘high range drink driving’ (his blood alcohol reading was 0.218)
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Drink Driving Charge Dismissed
In Penrith Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® had a ‘mid range drink driving’ charge dismissed for a 43 year old Penrith man after police breath tested him on his own property. The man was illegally breath tested after pulling into...
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No Conviction/Disqualification for 2nd Drink Driving offence within 5 years
After persuading police to reduce a charge of high range pca to low range pca by obtaining a pharmacological report to the effect that our 32-year old client’s blood alcohol concentration was lower when he drove than later when his...
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