Recent Criminal Cases


Suspended Sentence for Ongoing Drug Supply and Participate in Criminal Group

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained ‘Suspended Sentences’ (no prison) in Downing Centre District Court for our 22 year old client for ‘Supply Drug on Ongoing Basis‘, 11 charges of ‘Supply Prohibited Drug’ and ‘Participate in Criminal Group’. The case involved the... read more

Jury finds man ‘not guilty’ of Sexual Assault

A jury in Parramatta District Court unanimously found our 38 year old client ‘not guilty’ of all 3 counts of ‘sexual intercourse without consent’. The case involved our client and the female complainant meeting in a Sydney Cabaret Bar and... read more

Suspended Sentence for $140,000 fraud by Executive Director

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a 12 month ‘Suspended Sentence’ for 64 year old executive director who committed 62 frauds totaling more than $140,000 over a 5 year period. The case is reported in the Daily Telegraph newspaper: see Executive Stole... read more

Bail for client who was advised he had no chance

In Campbelltown Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® successfully obtained bail for a 23 year old ‘repeat offender’ who was advised by his former solicitors and barrister that he had no chance of getting bail. The man has several previous convictions... read more

No Conviction for Aggravated Break and Enter with Intent

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘Section 10’ (no criminal record) in Downing Centre Court for our 30 year old client who was initially charged with Aggravated Break & Enter with Intent to Commit an Indictable Offence. The case involved our... read more

No Prison for 2nd Set of Fraud Offences in 3 years

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a Community Service Order in Downing Centre Court for our 40 year old Surry Hills client who pleaded guilty to committing frauds totaling $110,000 over a 16 month period. The result was achieved by reducing the... read more

Not Guilty of Sexual Assault in All 5 Trials

Five different juries in Downing Centre District Court unanimously found our 56 year old client ‘not guilty’ of 21 ‘sex offences’ including aggravated sexual assault in 5 ‘back-to-back’ trials. The allegations arose from events of more than 20 years ago... read more

Aggravated Break and Enter Charges Dropped

After several months of intense negotiations, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® persuaded the DPP to withdraw all ‘break and enter’ charges against our 30 year old Darlinghurst client. The case involved our client allegedly breaking into a Woolloomooloo apartment with intent to... read more

No Prison for Commercial Drug Supply

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained ‘suspended sentences’ in Downing Centre District Court for our 27 year client who was caught under surveillance supplying 1000 ecstasy tablets and 79 grams of ‘ice’,and pleaded guilty. The exceptional result was achieved by initially convincing... read more

Domestic Assault Charges and AVO Dropped

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® convinced police to withdraw charges of ‘armed with intent to commit indictable offence’ and ‘assault occasioning actual bodily harm‘ after submitting detailed written submissions on the weakness of the police case and pushing for withdrawal. The case... read more
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