Recent Criminal Cases


No Conviction for 13 Ecstacy and Amphetamine Tablets

No conviction was imposed upon our 23 year old Clovelly client for possessing 4 tablets of ‘Ecstacy’ and 9 tablets of ‘Amphetamines’. He was initially charged with ‘drug supply’ due to the number of pills, but Sydney Criminal Lawyers® had... read more

Assault Occasioning ABH, Common Assault & AVO Dismissed

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® had all criminal charges and AVO dismissed in Newtown Local Court for our 33 year old client from Dulwich Hill, who was charged with assaulting his partner outside a Newtown Night Club causing injuries to her face... read more

No Conviction for 12 ‘Ecstacy’ Tablets and Ketamine

After having a charge of ‘deemed supply‘ withdrawn, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained ‘Section 10s’ (no convictions) for our 51 year old client who then pleaded guilty in Downing Centre Local Court to possessing 12 ‘Ecstacy’ Tablets and a quantity of... read more

All Drug Charges Dismissed

Drug Supply & Drug Possession charges were Dismissed in Downing Centre Court after the Magistrate found there was insufficient evidence to prove that our 22 year old client supplied or possessed drugs. Police officers gave evidence in court that they... read more

Assault Charges and AVO Dismissed

Waverley Local Court found our 32 year old Canadian client ‘not guilty’ of all assault charges and dismissed the AVO against him after finding there was insufficient evidence to prove that he assaulted his partner. The result was obtained despite... read more

No Criminal Conviction for ‘Indictable Quantity’ of Ecstacy

After convincing the DPP to drop charges of ‘drug supply‘ and ‘good in custody’, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘Section 10’ (no criminal conviction) for our 20 year old Artarmon client who then pleaded guilty to a single charge of... read more

No Conviction for Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘Section 10’ (no conviction) in Downing Centre Court for our 20 year old Fairfield client who pleaded guilty to assaulting a man in George Street, Sydney causing a broken tooth, bruising to the face and body,... read more

‘Section 10’ for 5 Ecstacy Tablets Despite Previous Conviction

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® convinced the Presiding Magistrate in Downing Centre Local Court not to record a conviction against a 33 year old St Leonards man who pleaded ‘guilty’ to possessing 5 ecstacy pills, despite him already having a ‘Section 10’... read more

‘Section 10’ for Previously Convicted Client

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained ‘Section 10’s’ (no convictions) in Waverley Local Court for our 25 year old Corrimal client who pleaded guilty to ‘Intentionally or Recklessly Damage Property’ and ‘Unlawful Entry on Prescribed Lands’. It is an excellent result because... read more

No Conviction for Death Threats by Telephone

In Mount Druitt Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained ‘Section 19B Recognizances’ (ie no convictions) for our 19 year old client who pleaded guilty to 2 counts of ‘Use Carriage to Make Death Threats’, which is a Commonwealth Offence carrying... read more
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