Recent Criminal Cases


No Conviction for ‘Road Rage’ Assault

In Hornsby Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® persuaded the Magistrate not to convict our 45 year old Chatswood client who smashed the window and assaulted another driver in a ‘road rage’ incident, leaving his face cut & bleeding. Our client... read more

No Conviction for 7 Ecstacy Tablets

In Downing Centre District Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® obtained a ‘Section 10’ (no conviction) for a 22 year old Carramar man who pleaded ‘guilty’ to possessing 7 ecstacy tablets at Sydney’s ‘Future Music Festival’. The Presiding Judge was persuaded to... read more

AVO Dismissed & Legal Costs Awarded to Client

In Downing Centre Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® persuaded the Presiding Magistrate to dismiss an Apprehended Violence Order application brought against our 55 year old Milsons Point client and to order Legal Costs in her favour on the basis that... read more

Not Guilty of Drug Charges Due to Illegal Search

Sydney Criminal Lawyers® had all drug supply and possession charges dismissed in Downing Centre Court by arguing that the police search of our client’s car was illegal. Our client was driving his vehicle in Ultimo when police pulled him over... read more

Not Guilty of Assault & Kidnapping Charges

After a 3 week trial in Parramatta District Court, the jury found our 47 year old client ‘not guilty’ of all charges. He was charged with ‘Kidnapping’, ‘Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm‘ and ‘Detain for Advantage’ arising from an incident... read more

All Drug Charges Dismissed and Police Ordered to Pay Costs

In Parramatta Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® had all drug charges dismissed for a 26 year old man found with ‘ecstacy tablets’ and ‘ice’ in his bedroom draw, on the basis that police could not prove ‘exclusive possession’. Police were then... read more

All Indecent Assault Charges Dropped and Costs Ordered Against Police

In Hornsby Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® had all charges dismissed against a 40 year old Greenwich man accused of multiple indecent assaults against a 27 year old woman. After lengthy cross-examination by Mr U. Nedim, it became clear that the... read more

Indecent Assault Charges and AVO Dismissed

After a two-day hearing in Orange Local Court, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® had all three ‘Indecent Assault’ Charges dismissed against a 21 year old Koorawatha man. The AVO application against him was also dismissed. read more

No Criminal Record for Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm

A 40 year old Bondi man was given a ‘Section 10 Bond’ (no criminal record) after pleading guilty to assaulting another man in a Surry Hills bar causing a black eye and chipped teeth. The Presiding Magistrate chose not to... read more

High Court Appeal Successful

In the High Court of Australia, Sydney Criminal Lawyers® successfully appealed the triple murder conviction of a 32-year old man from Greenacre in Sydney’s West. The man came to our firm after being convicted by a jury in the Supreme... read more
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